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Naruto|Sasuke: Bonded Strangers


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One more plot. Kinda 'help me through the world' story :)

The story’s set in a period of peace between two bordering worlds, two territories - the Land of People who dwell in crowded cities and the Land of Forest Spirits. The former originated from the latter, of course, but the years of human abuse, ignorance and misguided exploitation (people call it 'nature's conquest') broke the once strong ties. Spirits fought back humans, this war went on for centuries.

The peace treaty was eventually achieved via bonding humans and the spirits’ descendents (who people dubbed ‘demons’) anonymously, spiritually. So, each forest creature’s bonded to a human he\ she will never (hopefully) meet.. and so they live, separated and not willing to connect, not feeling each other and never wishing to. It’s like an unpleasant necessity, the true meaning behind the bond has been long lost to both parties.

The Spirits eventually gave up on stupid creatures, the spirits’ descendants learned to look down on them as ungrateful and evil degenerates.. people learned to fear spirits and keep away from forbidden territory. This connection is never openly discussed in both Lands.

But to Naruto, a wild and free spirit descendant (‘demon’), who’s considered to be special and somewhat outcast among his peers, this bond with a human was always a sacred and special thing he secretly cherished. The case is that unknown human’s emotions, dreams and, most of all, loneliness and despair were so akin to his own!.. Naruto followed and felt each step, each action, mistake or a good deed of that human creature, he even could 'advise' him on some matters.. Naruto believes when met they’d have made true friends and could help each other achieve their goals.. but even if this human feel the same way about the spirit, it’s unknown to Naruto. This feeling of being totally exposed to a stranger is very embarrassing and he just ignores it.

The closeness between 2 worlds was always tempting but Naruto could never dream of breaking the ancient rule – it has never happened before, after all.. he just toyed with the thought but never tried.

So they co-existed till Naruto felt that something terrible befell the person he’s bonded to. Someone’s going to harm him and has already taken him far away from his home. Naruto cannot ignore that human’s inner cry for help as it’s ringing through his very core. He springs into action ready to break the forbidden borders between 2 worlds and save the man..

Notes: forest spirits don’t discriminate between sexes, so that human could be a boy \ girl for all Naruto cared; it just 'happened' that Sasuke's boy :)

there IS a reason, logic why a certain human is bonded with a certain spirit descendant, though it’s now lost to both worlds;

spirit descendants have special powers, of course;

Sasuke's kidnapped \ going to be killed \ going to commit suicide to escape a fate his kidnappers impose on him.

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