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Can't get into edit story or add to a story

Guest Sabrina

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Guest Sabrina


I'm having a problem with getting in to edit a story titled "Johnny's Mermaid" celebrity area under Johnny Depp.

What happens is the following: I log into account, go to the control panel, then to the edit area, clicked on edit

I see welcome sabrina then go to select story but my story isn't there. I checked it is listed on the site and I can

read just can't pull it up to edit.

Could I be doing something wrong or in wrong area? Thank you for your time and help.

Thank you,




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It looks like you made a duplicate profile under a different e-mail.

http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296905057&view=story has no stories

http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296905487&view=story has a story in celeb.

Are you logging in to 1296905057 ?

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Guest Sabrina

cool pickles big hugs to you and person fixing me. :) I need to work on next chapter anyway lol

I just noticed I needed to clean up so goofs in the story lol new writers.

Thank you


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