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H/D pairing -- Draco changes allegiances

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Guest Sophia

I'm looking for a H/D pairing -- I remember in the beginning Draco has taken over as the head of the Malfoy family (something has happened to Lucius -- death or Azkaban) and Draco has matured because of it. In the scene, he is described as standing on a balcony in Malfoy Manor and his shirtsleeves are rolled up. A house elf comes to tell him something and he rolls his shirtsleeves down and gets ready to go back to Hogwarts. While he's there, he receives letters for his attorney and has to deal with correspondence as the head of the family. I believe Harry has also matured in this story and begins to fall in love with the new Draco.

Please PLEASE if this sounds even VAGUELY familiar to you -- help me find this fic! I have been searching for weeks now and I simply cannot find it!

Oh! There's also another story -- HP/SS if you've got the time to help with this one as well. Harry and Severus live in Severus's quarters for several months because they are preparing for a potion that will bind them. I feel like the title of the fic is something like Potions Invoterus (or something like that). When they finally bond, it's in a large bathtub and the water feels slippery and Severus has put a sticking charm on one the ledges so he doesn't slide off the ledge while making love to Harry.



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