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tomb raider: Minotaur tribe

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Guest Amusement


Nobody appears to be doing any beast works for Tomb raider, at least not completely.

I for one am starting to feel annoyed about how unapreciated it seems. So I am issuing this challenge.

It is written bellow.

This challenge is quite simple, basically Lara accidently stumbles upon a tribe of all male minotaurs while after a relic of some sorts.

This must be non consensual sex always, and if you chose to or not basically have her knocked up by the chieftan in charge.

You can basically have fun with this all you want by your own writing style of choice.


Nobody? There's an inexplicably popular non consensual completely beast story like four down the list in the Tomb Raider section! [/self promoter]

Interesting challenge. Might be fun to write Minotaur sex again. More anthro than beast tho' Hmm.

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