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looking for what if things went different vincent fic! (cant remeber the name)

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hello to anyone kind enough to read this, i was danceing around the idea of reading this fic or not and i ended up reading it anyways and IT WAS GOOD!!! but now i cant see to find iit can anyone help me

the jist of it was vincent (turk) had had enough of the drama in hojos lab and decied to just stick to guard duty and it was right after sephiroth was born, well w/ the baby screaming all night vincent started taking care of it and time passes when sephiroth turns 10 hojo and vincent have a fight about the safty of the child and somehow vincent ends up adopting him along w/ tsung and later angel and genesis move in and make friends w/ sephirtoh. then some times passes and the happy family is torn appart when vincent dies and that as for as i got .

PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE pleeeeeaaaaasssseee! someone help me find this or let me know if it was taken down or what

thanks to all who have any info

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