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Harry/Draco Mpreg AU about a bet

Guest Ghost in You

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Guest Ghost in You

I'm looking for the name or author of a male preg alternate universe fic. Harry is living with Sirius and Remus who are together. He has a toddler and he's in high school. I think the father of his child was a drug dealer or something so he moved away and ended up living with his god father. He starts going to a new school. Draco already goes to the school and he's a rich snobby kid who's really popular and kind of a dick.

Draco makes a bet with Blaise that he can get Harry to sleep with him. Harry's on his guard and doesn't trust men in general but eventually Draco weasels his way into Harry's life and ends up falling in love with him. I think he tries to call off the bet with Blaise or something because he gets tricked into bringing Harry to his cabin and Blaise secretly tapes them having sex and shows it to the school while declaring Draco the winner of the bet.

Also, I think there was a side storyline involving Neville and Harry's baby's father. Nevel also gets pregnant and he's abuse and sad and stuff, but I can't remember that part too well. Also I think there was at least one sequel, no idea what it was about, didn't read it. If anyone knows what I'm talking about that would be awesome. Thanks in advance.

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