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Weasley twins and an original female m/f possibly m/m/f

Guest cat poo

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Guest cat poo

Ok. So basically it's like this girl is dating both twins but she thinks they are the same person. And each twin thinks that they found the girl of their dreams, not knowing that they're both in love with the same girl. I remember something like she met one twin first, we'll say it's George, and I think they have sex. Then she goes to their joke shop in just a coat and has surprise sex with "Fred", thinking he's George. And Fred thinks he's found this amazing wild woman and he's super into her but I don't think he knows her name. And it goes on for a bit with each having dates and stuff with her. And eventually someone gets kidnapped by Draco and he does some douchey stuff but the person gets free (think it was one of the twins). And I remember the twins each wanting to bring their girl to the burrow for dinner and then finding out that they are dating the same girl and she completely freaks out and goes home and has sex with her roommate lady friend person (Can't really remember who she was). But yeah... that's what I remember about the story, read it a while ago. Hope someone knows that I'm talking about. :)

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