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Voldemort wins and captues Harry. Slash V/HP

Guest Dreamer27

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Guest Dreamer27

Please help me find this story I have looked but can not find it.

From what I remember Harry is on the run with Ron, Hermione and Ginny after Voldemort has won.

Harry is caught by Voldemort and given a room.

Voldemort offers Harry a picture of his parents if Harry will kiss him.

Harry gets the picture but Voldemort gets angry and burns it and Harry burns his hands.

Voldemort gives Teddy to Harry and then erases Andromeda's mind so she doesn't remember that she has a grandson.

Harry later has Voldemort's baby.

Meanwhile, Ron, Hermione and Ginny try to free Harry and are captured, but Voldemort kills Ginny because he is jealous that Harry may have feelings for her.

Ron and Hermione are released eventually but I think Ron tries to attack and is killed while Hermione walks on by.

Please help me find this story. Thank you.

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Guest Illusion

No. The stories not new divide. It's another one. I know the story , but I can't remember what it is called, but I remember a part not mentioned.

When Harry gets Teddy, it is where there is a gathering of people and Andromeda is there and hands Teddy to Harry, so Harry can meet his godfather and it's at that gathering that Voldemort erases Andromeda's memory of Teddy and Harry is mad at Voldemort, but does take Teddy home and keep him.

Hope this helps jogs someones memory, because I can't remember what the story is called either.

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