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We all have little hidden gems in our soundtrack collections, or ticket stubs from that show no one else saw. So why not turn others onto some of these great shows!

My personal hidden gem is City of Angels. Its set in Hollywood during the 40s and its got two parralel storylines. One is a writer who is trying to adapt his detective novel into a screenplay, and the other is actually the detective novel! The music is all kind of swingy and old Hollywood, and on stage the two stories are differentiated by "reality" being in color (costumes and sets) and "the movie" being in black and white!

The other great thing is that the cast for the most part plays two parts, one in each story. Its fabulous, and I love it!


Old Hollywood, swing music, sounds interesting. And I love the "color" vs "black and white" concept.

Although I don't have the soundtrack, I liked Do Black Patent Leather Shoes Really Reflect Up? I saw it done in a smaller venue maybe twenty years ago and really enjoyed it; about life in Catholic high school in the sixties. I loved when the priest was teaching sex ed to the boys and singing "don't touch your private parts." Hmm...I wonder if a soundtrack is even available for that, it is an oldie. think.gif

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