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Kidnapped stories, please help

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Guest Jolie234

Two stories I'm looking for:

1. A college student is kidnapped by two lovers and raped by them. One of the kidnappers is in the medical profession as there's reference to him having patients or wearing scrubs, he also has longish hair I believe. Anyway, they keep the student captive in their home in the middle of nowhere, and theres a barn in the backyard. The student tries to run away, and the last chapters they throw him in the barn as punishment.

2. Theres a black haired boy who belongs to a lord and is kept captive in his masion. The lord is totally in love with the boy and the boy also loves the lord but fights against him because he wants to return home. The boy causes alot of trouble in his many many attempts to escape, and finally finds a way to return to his mother, only to find out his mother is the one who sold him to the lord. This whole time the boy believed he was kidnapped.

Is this too vague?

Thank you so much!

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