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I'm hoping to start writing in one of my original worlds again. I'm looking for a beta, who is also a 'companion' who can sit on MSN or similar with me & I can talk through magic systems/family trees/background, etc... Basically someone who can help me evolve the worlds and make sure it makes SENSE.

The 3 worlds I have to play in are:

Lyer & 'Rios - Vampire & Shapeshifters in a fantasy world. I have the world, and the chars, but no plot.. :/

Hub - Elves, orcs and humans in a fantasy world (spot the theme?) - I have the world & plot but no chars!

Where Dragons Rule - Humans (and MAYBE dragons) in a (guess what?) fantasy world. I have the plot & chars, but the world needs work on...

WDR is the most tempting atm, so it'll probably be that one. If you want to see any of my original m/m stuff, it's on http://xarra.com and is Lyer & Rios world. :)

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