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Everything posted by MrsX

  1. I'm looking for a beta for my fanfiction - it's Highlander/Gundam Wing x-over, but as long as you know one fandom then the other shouldn't be too hard to pick up given it's post BOTH fandoms (several thousand years after the Highlander series, and a while after the war in Gundam Wing...) .It's Duo/Duncan/Methos (eventually!) and is currently 100k+ words - but I want to rewrite it a bit and I'm looking for a beta to talk stuff through and work stuff out with. As well as inconsistencies and plot holes!
  2. I'm hoping to start writing in one of my original worlds again. I'm looking for a beta, who is also a 'companion' who can sit on MSN or similar with me & I can talk through magic systems/family trees/background, etc... Basically someone who can help me evolve the worlds and make sure it makes SENSE. The 3 worlds I have to play in are: Lyer & 'Rios - Vampire & Shapeshifters in a fantasy world. I have the world, and the chars, but no plot.. :/ Hub - Elves, orcs and humans in a fantasy world (spot the theme?) - I have the world & plot but no chars! Where Dragons Rule - Humans (and MAYBE dragons) in a (guess what?) fantasy world. I have the plot & chars, but the world needs work on... WDR is the most tempting atm, so it'll probably be that one. If you want to see any of my original m/m stuff, it's on http://xarra.com and is Lyer & Rios world.
  3. Still looking. It's ALMOST done, but the sex scene is going slowly! Would appreciate a beta to help reassure me it's not rubbish!
  4. I'm looking for a beta/help with writing a HP one-shot songfic Remus/Sirius mate-fic. I'm trying to get some confidence with writing M scenes and I just need someone to help talk through things with me (pref. via FB chat/MSN messanger/etc) and beta it. Thanks! MrsX
  5. Hi all, I'm getting into writing fanfic again after over 5 years of just writing some short scenes for original fic. I'm looking for someone to beta Gundam Wing / Highlander, Duo x Duncan x Methos slash. I'm looking ffor someone with excellent spelling and grammar, a very good knowledge of both fandoms who can pick up fandom errors, help with charactisation, and who I can bounce ideas off. I like chatting via Skype or other software to go through the problems, why they're there, and so on. I'm also working on original fiction, also m/m, which is fantasy, if the beta would enjoy reading that too. Thanks! MrsX.
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