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A few fics and recs? SLASH!

Guest Nour1122

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Guest Nour1122

Hi! I've been looking for three fics in particular for a while now, but can't remember titles! XP

The first is an HP/SS story.

Description: Set at Hogwarts, Harry is still an (older) student and he develops a relationship with Severus, I think while they were at Grimmauld Place. Anyway, their summer ends and Harry doesn't see Snape for a while until school where Harry finds out Sev has married a woman. I wanna say her name is Sarah, but not positive. Anyway, Harry is pissed/hurt, Sev is straddling the fence so to speak, and the wife is trying to get pregnant. During a Christmas party, Harry convinces Snape to have sex with him and doesn't tell him that he's taken a potion to create a womb inside him. He ends up pregnant and doesn't tell anyone. I do recall the wife conceiving and then losing the baby, and Voldemort sort-of recruits her to kill Harry by promising her to be able to conceive/bring her baby back. I can't remember much beyond that, other than it was a REALLY long story, at least 30 chapters of above average length.

The second one was a DM/HP fic (I think).

Description: I don't remember too many details from this one other than it was really unique. I think it was set in older times, where Draco is a prince, Harry is (basically) a slave to the Dursleys, and Blaise is Harry's best friend. Specifics that I remember is that Dudley raped Harry, Blaise was some sort of fae or elf from a different plane/dimension, and Harry had a special token from Blaise that he dropped in the woods. Ron's mother works in the Dursley house as a maid, and Harry signs up to join the army to escape the Dursleys. Don't remember much beyond that, but I've never seen another story like it.

The third one was a SS/HP fic.

Description: This one is REALLY old, I think I read this one 4 or 5 YEARS ago and I've been looking for it for about a year and can't find it, I really hope it hasn't gotten deleted! Since it was so long ago, my memory is a bit fuzzy, but basically it is an AU where there is no Hogwarts and I don't think there was any magic. Harry still lives with the Dursleys and he and Dudley go to the same Middle/High school, can't remember which. Dudley of course beats up Harry and scares all the other children into doing the same. I think it was the first day of the year and Harry was sitting in the back of the Chemistry classroom with long sleeves and pants on to cover up the bruises, when Snape shows up as their chemistry teacher. He notices the signs and I believe he takes actions to adopt/take Harry away from the Dursleys, and things progress from there. If it makes any difference, I believe there was one scene where Professor Snape is standing in the hallway to the entrance to his classroom, when he hears a commotion and goes to see what it is. Dudley and/or one of his friends was smashing Harry into a locker.

I know I'm not leaving you guys with too much to work with, but if any of these ring ANY bells, please post a title, author, and/or website? Even if it doesn't exactly match my description, like I said, it's been a while since I read these and I may have some scenes mixed up with other fics. Thanks in advance! :)

Also, I'm looking for any good recs, particularly creature!Harry, sub!Harry, Harry/OMC, non-Hogwarts Harry/OMC recs. Not exactly all of those in one fic, but any fics that fit any of those descriptions. I've gotten hooked on Toki.Mirage's Bloody Skies, amy's Arcane Academy, and Miranda Flairgold's fic A Second Chance at Life. (I believe that was the title anyway, so sorry if I botched it though! DX) I would prefer if the fics came from a different site than aff, seeing as I've scoured this site for years for new fics like these and it seems like I'm just waiting for updates now instead of new ideas.

My only conditions are that it have Harry as the main character/part of the main pairing, that the main pairing be STRICTLY slash (I don't care if it has Hermione/Ron, Bill/Fleur, Remus/Tonks, etc.; I'm fine with Het pairings that DON'T involve Harry), and that Harry is a bottom. Not necessarily a D/s or BDSM fic, just Harry acting as a top squicks me.

Whew! That's a huge request! I really would appreciate any help though, these fics were really great and I would love to bookmark them so I never lose track of them again! Once again, my thanks and eternal gratitude in advance! :)


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Guest kermit02


Author Slashpervert for sub Harry AFF or live journal

Tas for good Harry/Draco pairing AFF or Silver Snitch

Norishe on HP Fandom for good stories stories are not complete

LdDurham for sub Harry/Draco/Sev

Jordan Grant good stories sub Harry and Draco jordangrant.insanejournal.com

Jamee43 Forever Fandom

Mouse Corvus Fallere Book 1 and 2 the archive.net or google

Softly Sweetly HP Fandom

Minx 17 HP Fandom

Vorabiza HP Fandom


Quid Pro Series google on livejournal

Heavenly Bodies

How Severus Snape Spends His Summer HP Fandom

Shiver by Knightmare HP Fandom

Hope this helps Good Luck

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