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Guest Alien Pirate Pixagi

With the latest story arc in Bleach came some pretty surprising revelations for non-manga readers and those who don't spend all their time looking for clues in a show.

With said revelations, come many, many questions.

All of mine surround Kurosaki Isshin, Ichigo's less then conventional father.

With that, be warned that the following are spoilers from Soul Society Arc on, though more closely concerned with Ep. 111.

As we find out, not only is Isshin a Shinigami, but was once a captain. Furthermore, he just recently regained his powers, and there's sufficient evidence to suggest that they're not all there yet, but soon will be.

First of all, why did Isshin loose his powers? Assuming that Isshin is using one of Urahara's gigais, did Urahara do the same thing to Isshin that he did to Rukia, removing her ability to regain soul power and fight? Or did something else happen. Was that something else linked with why Isshin left Soul Society 20 years ago?

Which leads us to the question of why Isshin left Soul society 20 years prior to the current story line. Does it have something to do with his wife, Masaki, or, the more likely route, Aizen. I'll go with the Aizen route since both Isshin and Urahara were both discussing this when Isshin took out Grand Fisher. Of course, the exact reason still is fuzzy. Why'd he leave when he did?

What is Isshin's real last name? Is it Kurosaki? I doubt it. Why? Because Ichigo would have turned a hell of a lot of heads when he told anyone his family name. Isshin only left 20 years before Ichigo's arrival, AND was a captain. Would YOU forget a former captains name after working with him for years? Not likely. This suggests that Isshin discarded his old surname for a new one when he entered the human world. Well, why would he do that? Perhaps to better hide amongst the living?

So, if Kurosaki isn't his real name, what is it? Was he from a noble house, or was he found in Rukongai?

Lastly, what division did Isshin lead? Well, as he is indeed a doctor, that would suggest Division 4, which specializes in medicine and healing. However, Division 4's current Captain is a Senior, suggesting she's been their Captain for well over the 20 years that Isshin's been gone. Then, you must look at Isshin's combativeness (The guy surprise attacks his own kid to build "character") which would suggest Division 11. Well, Kenpachi killed the previous captain and is wearing their Captain Coat, so that's a no. Division 12 was run by Mayuri by the time Isshin left (and I don't think he'd be content to sit in a research lab all day), and Divisions 5, 8, 9 and 13 are headed by Senior captains. That leaves Divisions 2, 3, 6, 7 and 10. Soifon (2), Gin (3), Aizen (5) and Byakya (6) were already Captains of their respective Divisions when Isshin left, which leaves Divisions 7 and 10. 10 is the most likely, and here's why: Tōshirō Hitsugaya's apparent age and lack of experience. He is the least experienced of all the division Captains. Considering the rest of the captains appear to have reached that status at least 100 years prior to the Bleach storyline, it creates the perfect situation. Isshin leaves for whatever reasons, leaving a large gap in the Gotei 13 that needs to be filled. Then, here you have Hitsugaya, who just recently (in Shinigami terms. It takes many decades to reach and master Bankai for most Shinigami) reached Bankai, and is considered a child genius amongst the Shinigami. If they needed a quick replacement, he'd be the perfect choice. They would not have chosen him had they more time to find a captain.

There you have it, there it is, my questions, theories and speculations concerning Isshin. Discuss them, throw out theories of your own, what have you.

  • 3 months later...

Bleh, talk about topic resurrection, but I'd like to get a few bits in as well on this.

Truth be told, if you watch the anime at least, Jushiro Ukitake recognized the name 'Kurosaki', and so did Byakuya Kuchiki; Byakuya debunked the idea, however, saying to Ukitake (Misquote)"It isn't him; this is a weakling with illusions of grandeur".

As for what Squad he was the Captain of... well, I don't even have a good guess. I used to think it was the 11th, and he may have simply tricked Zaraki into believing he'd died, but looking at it, that isn't possible; Zaraki got his Captain's haori from the previous Captain as well, while if I'm not mistaken, Isshin wore his bundled up on his left shoulder.

Well, just wanted to put that out there. :3 Sorry if it doesn't really say much, though!


B.A.Z. Jyuushirou and Byakuya didn't respond to Kurosaki's name but rather his resemblance to Jyuushirou's previous Lieutenant (Vice-Captain isn't a rank its a translation rather than a interpretation of Fukutaichou) : Kaien.

Anyway, look at Kenpachi's coat, its ripped and worn. Look at the cloth around Isshin's upper arm, its quite possibly not able to be worn as a jacket anymore so therefore isn't worn as one.

Ichigo also proves to be destined to Eleventh division candidacy by his methods, all brute force and combat skill, a trait one can see him inheriting from his father.

I do recall it said that Zaraki killed the previous captain, and I also know the shinigami from the filler arc was of the mangaka's own character design (the one with the rainbow sword)  which suggests quite strongly that he is dead.

My reason for thinking he's the previous 11th captain despite this is his relationship with Urahara. I think his powers were depressed because of the gigai, like Rukia's, and I also expect he left the Soul Society by Urahara's quick thinking. (To cite reasons why Urahara would be capable go into in manga spoilers not just anime spoilers.)

The other options are that he was replaced by Hitsugaya or Tousen (I reject Soi Fong not for Pix's reasons but for the reason that Yoruichi used to be 2nd captain.) I doubt Isshin would have left the Soul Society so that Aizen could place another loyal soldier as a Captain so I rule out Tousen. I have no reason to rule out Hitsugaya but as I prefer the hypothesis of him being the previous 11th captain, I'll stick to that.

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