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Adventures of Sinbad

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Guest shortmidget

Hi, I was wondering if you remember an Adventures of Sinbad story from a couple of years ago. I cannot remember the name. It consisted of Maeve/Sinbad. Sinbad disappeared and Maeve goes looking for him. She gets kidnapped by an evil guy who wants her as his slave. Sinbad (in disguise) rescues her and claims her as "his." He has to chase her at one point and once he catches her, she screams for Sinbad, only he's holding her. He asks why she called for him and she said something to the lines of how he has always come running when she has called. Basically, the two end up on a ship together and they go to another land. She finds out who he is because she finally sees his face. The two realize they are falling for one another. One night, they are left wtih just a blanket it or two so Sinbad sleeps on the ground while Maeve sleeps on top of him. Anyways, I do remember one particular scene where Sinbad notices that they are being watched and to make it look like she is his slave, they make out a whole lot. The guy watching them is the original guy who kidnapped Maeve. Sinbad is now on a mission to help his dear friend (the king I think).

That's all that I can really remember.

I cannot remember if it was on aff or fanfiction.net. Either way, I cannot find it! I suck at summaries but I hope someone remember this!

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