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I hope this story hasn't been taken down, I would like to read it again.

Harry is sort of living as a recluse because his friends think he sort of became dark has he controlled the demntors during the final battle. He has to have his blood purged every few weeks because of the taint. His son gets his Hogwarts letter and is sorted into Ravenclaw. Also Harry blocked some of his son's powers.

One day, the board og governors is at Hogwarts and Malfoy Sr sends a curse towards Harry and his son leaps in front of it and is paralysed. The Weasleys come to school and Harry tells them about why he controlled the dementors and his tainted blood. Severus helps curing Harry and his son with Potions found in a book hidden in Severus' quarters.

Please help. Thanks.

  • 5 weeks later...
Guest Treason6661

Have you tried doing a google search??? If I remember a specific line or something similar I type in the key words or sentence and the pairing or just characters, then site:webdomain...

Say if I was searching for a quote by someone used in a fiction, like one of my favourites, I would google search "time spent wasted is never wasted time" Harry potter site:fanfiction.net, which leads you to chapter nine of Prodigy by ChipmonkOnSpeed... Just an example...

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