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 &nsbp; &nsbp; Okay, I'm going insane. I know, ages ago, that I read a fic that had 'bottle' or bottled' in the title. It was about the beginning of a new year at Hogwarts, and Dumbledore assigns all the students a little bottle (either with a pet or something) inside of it. This is to promote in-house cooperation. Harry ends up with Draco's pet and Hermione ends up with Blaises.. I think. They have to send gifts to each other and write to each other, and they (at first) don't know whose bottle they have. Anyway, this was possibly a year or more ago, and it was a fabulous read. I miss it terribly and if anyone can help me on finding the right one, I will reward them with a story of their choice, with any plotline of their choice---please!

-Pureblood pinch.gif

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