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Review Option - Anon Reviews

Guest DarkAvenger

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Guest DarkAvenger

Authors may now choose to accept Anonymous reviews or not.

There is a check box at the top of your Edit Profile page when you log in that when checked, disallows Anonymous reviews and when unchecked, allows Anonymous reviews. It is default set to disallow Anonymous reviews.

If you continuously get Anonymous flames, trolls, or spammers, we suggest that you disallow Anonymous reviews so that we can at least catch the culprit if such things are occurring. At this point, we highly suggest that any authors who were experiencing these problems to begin with please leave the box checked for now.

Thank you for your patience while the tech department has worked to make this upgrade available and thank you for your continued support and patience.

~Dark Avenger

Moderator & Head Tech

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That was amazingly and unbelievably fast. I've already unchecked the box in my profile to allow anonymous reviews.

Thanks! You guys are on a roll and I hope you manage to keep it up without wearing out yourselves out too much. (and I say "too much" because it's inevitable that you'll wear yourselves out).

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Guest DarkAvenger
Thanks! You guys are on a roll and I hope you manage to keep it up without wearing out yourselves out too much. (and I say "too much" because it's inevitable that you'll wear yourselves out).

Yeah... I've been worn out for months now, frankly. Christmas break didn't help, only managed to make everything slightly more hectic and overloaded than it already was. So it's good you said not "too much" cause now I can pretend too much is when I fall over from exhaustion... speaking of which, never try to operate on 2 hours of sleep and 3 anti-anxiety pills, ne? <-- good advice that is. *nods*

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First of all, I should add my thanks to the rest. It's definitely a nice option to have. But I did have one question/suggestion. Is it possible instead of making the default to not allow anonymous reviews, that it could be the other way around. To allow anonymous reviews, but for those authors who are having issues to disallow it (that was just a horrible sentence but I think it basically makes sense). Because it seems like a lot of author's don't know that they have that option.

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Guest DarkAvenger
First of all, I should add my thanks to the rest. It's definitely a nice option to have. But I did have one question/suggestion. Is it possible instead of making the default to not allow anonymous reviews, that it could be the other way around. To allow anonymous reviews, but for those authors who are having issues to disallow it (that was just a horrible sentence but I think it basically makes sense). Because it seems like a lot of author's don't know that they have that option.

It'd kinda defeat its purpose then though, since the idea was to get rid of trolls ability to well... troll, lol.

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It'd kinda defeat its purpose then though, since the idea was to get rid of trolls ability to well... troll, lol.

I kind of thought that the specific problem was an isolated incident, so the few authors who are having the problems would know to leave anonymous reviews off. I just kind of figured since there seems to be a much larger number who'd prefer to have anonymous reviews than those who'd want to prohibit them then it would be a solution to the problem of the many authors who don't seem to know that they can allow them.

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First off, thanks for the option.

And, I think it makes more sense to have 'no anony' as the default.

I am an absolute review whore, so i set my to 'yeah, freakin' everyone,' but i also have thick skin.

But i've seen many authors put 'please review but be nice' in their story intro or description. I think they would prefer the extra layer of protection in that reviewers have to sign in before they can be not-nice.

Until we actually have a survey of 'which do you want?' then 'no anony' makes more sense as the default.

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First off, thanks for the option.

And, I think it makes more sense to have 'no anony' as the default.

I am an absolute review whore, so i set my to 'yeah, freakin' everyone,' but i also have thick skin.

But i've seen many authors put 'please review but be nice' in their story intro or description. I think they would prefer the extra layer of protection in that reviewers have to sign in before they can be not-nice.

Until we actually have a survey of 'which do you want?' then 'no anony' makes more sense as the default.

Personally, I've found that most of the authors I know of, even those with not so thick skin, would prefer to just have reviews in the first place. Then to have the option of eliminating anon reviews if you want to.

Anyways, I think the issue was more with trolls crashing parts of the site than with protecting author with less than thick skin.

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It kind of got away from the original point of my post, which was that from what I gather it's only a small number of stories on the site that have had/are having an issue with trolls and I figured it was easier to get notice to a small number of people that they can disallow anonymous reviews vs a much larger number who aren't having problems or would like anonymous reviews and haven't heard that they can. That was a long sentence but I think it makes sense.

But anyways, if you think that making anonymous reviews the default would cause problems then okay.

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Guest echtrae

Actually bookworm, if we could predict where a troll might strike. We might consider that as an option, but until that point the best course of action for us is to protect the site and it's members by default. Not the other way around.

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I don't mind Anon reviews as long as they're nice... I just delete the nasty ones.

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Guest DarkAvenger

The entire staff discussed reversing the option (making the default to be to accept anon reviews) at our last staff meeting and it was denied. It will remain as it is and no other discussion will occur anytime soon now that it has been discussed and voted upon by all present staff members.

Hope that clears a few things up.

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