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Gravitation Fanfic

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Guest StampedingTurtle

Looking for this really good gravitation piece that I remember from a while back. It was a multi-chapter fic, though not a long one. It had something to do with Yuki doing extra work or something and there comes to be some rumor of him going along with a woman or something. Basically, I do remember however he starts to ignore Shuichi to extremes, locking him out of the house, even beating him I think, and down right ignoring him till Yuki forgets what he's even doing. I believe in one of the chapters Shuichi even comes across Yuki screwing the female in an ally or something. The final chapter comes along with Yuki snapping out of it and them going off to the shower I believe, which the author then wrote a one shot to I believe.

Would really appreciate some help finding this fic if anyone knows of it. thanks so much!

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