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11-17-11 Update~

Hello Everyone. I was planning on having a preview for my upcoming story scheduled for upload sometime early next year at the end of Salaciousness. However, I haven't quite decided which of the two different projects I'm currently working on will be the lucky story.

I had a sequel for Salaciousness planned that is to feature Trent traveling to New Angeles in search of someone like Petras. Where he will meet the real Riza and get himself into all sorts of trouble. The last chapter of Salaciousness sort of leads up to this. However, sequels can be very daunting to new readers who may or may not wish to read the first story in order to catch up. For this reason, Trent's story may not capture my focus.

I do have two separate originals that I had been working on for some time. One is actually a Het that I began upload on fictionpress early last month. Since that genre differs from what my readers expect of me as a yaoi writer, I have decided against linking that story to me. The second one is a work in progress that I had originally planned to upload this year but didn't get around to it. As such it may be the February upload story. But I feel like parts of it aren't quite coming together. And basically if I'm not fully satisfied, then I don't expect anyone else to be. In order for my readers to be excited about a story then I have to as well.

Forgive my ramblings. But to you; my readers who have encouraged me to continue writing these past four years since I've been on adult-fanfiction.org, you deserve nothing but the best I can put forth. I'm giving myself at least another three months to perhaps even come up with a completely different title for the February upload. Hopefully in the next few days or weeks I will think of something that snaps my interest and hopefully will snap yours as well. Until next time. =)


Hi guys, i decided to make this topic so I can go into detail with my replies to your reviews.

CTF: Don't worry about not having reviewed lately it's no problem. Writing your own story? That's awesome! And exciting isn't it? Immerse yourself in the characters and the storyline, sometimes they tend to write themselves hehe. And no I wasn't mad about about the Mpreg question. I have nothing against Mpreg stories I just don't write them. Sort of reminds me of the movie Junior, if you never saw it check it out you'll laugh even though it's kinda silly.

Bella: You are right, we are approaching the climax of the story where our main characters will be faced with their biggest challenge to date.

snowleopard: I'm glad you hold out hope for Trent, it seems his initial attitude may have made him a bit too abrasive for some of my readers. You now know he was justified with his hatred for Wren, but perhaps he did not go about it in the correct manner.

Mint: new reviewer -- yay! Well, looking back my first story I ever uploaded on this site back in '08 was called Survival and for some reason I had typed it in all capitals. Since then, all my stories have begun with the letter 'S' and to keep with tradition I capitalized them as well. Had no idea anyone would find it as a turn off.

preciouslittlehope: new reviewer! Thank you so much for letting me know you enjoy what you are reading. It's funny you would mention it but I did contemplate giving Trent his own sequel story, will have to see how that pans out.

loverofyaoi: That would be a pretty awful worse case scenario but you'd be right.

Will Treaty: I am so pleased that you see Trent as more than the bad attitude he constantly presents. The healing spell had nothing to do with what happened to Petras.

If you all will recall, Dr. Ritch had an interesting diagnosis for Petras's unique problem in Chapter 9, here is a snippet.

"This Sillard here is unlike any others. He is not weak of mind therefore, not easily read. I will not query how you came by him for I imagine I would not care to know," Dr. Ritch stated. "I am fairly certain that whatever ails him is self-imposed on a subconscious level."

"Truly? You believe he is doing this to himself?" Talnoth didn't hide his surprise at this revelation.

"Not willingly; but to alter from one perception of reality to the next likely stems from a traumatizing event in his past; you must get him to reveal to you what triggered these problems in the first place. In the mean time I induced a hypnotic state to create a temporary fix. Then I forged mental barriers around the alternate personality that will keep it at bay. However, the process is easily reversible if the patients' stress levels become elevated. The fact remains that he will never be fully cured unless he confronts his demons of the past. He should wake shortly, I shall see myself out."

This would have explained itself in Chapter 16 but too many of the reviews seemed to think that Petras had lost his memory or something else other than a failure of Dr. Ritch's mental barriers holding back the lustful alternate personality which I thought would have been obvious. Clearly, witnessing Wren's arrest was the straw that broke the camel's back.

Chapter 16 Review Responses:

FuneralRoses: you cracked me up. Petras got Max EXP / and Petras went all Quatre in the Zero-system/ sounds like something from Gundam 00. =p

dazedandconfused: In most of these reviews I can see more and more people changing their mind about Trent. He was a very hard character to like at first despite the fact that he is Wren's son.

Will Treaty: I'll try not to give Chapter 17 away. But we know that Petras committed crimes in the past but it has yet to be explained exactly what he did. The angst in this story is centered on this situation due to the severity of Petras' crimes. Chapter 17 will explain why Petras feels the way he does as well as feature a flashback of the night of the Incident. Yes, the same incident I've been talking about since Chapter 1 will come to fruition.

Snowleopard: Wren has saved the day a few times in the past but let's see how he gets out of this one.

oo: Where have you been the last couple of Chapters I thought you abandoned me. lol.

Bella: Chapter 17 will explain much of your current confusion.

loverofyaoi: and there are more cliffhangers to come I'm afraid. I guarantee that Chapter 17's will be another one. =p

amandagrayson: I noticed that sometimes with the review system that the security code won't pop up. If you didn't have to type out a security code then chances are your review will not go through, try to refresh the page before typing it out and hitting review first.

Chapter 17 review responses:

CTF: Thank you for appreciating the reveal of Petras' back story. We barely got to know the friends for that is something best suited to a prequel of this story. Whether or not he will see Riza again? Even I don't know the answer to this question at this time, that might be something for a sequel. wink.gif

loverofyaoi: You are right about Petras being the shortest VL in history, lol. Sorry if Petras' back story was not what you expected it would be. I know I had hinted in previous chapters that he had potentially hurt or killed those close to him. So the reveal wasn't a big shock I know. However, in the premise of the story it's purpose was to reveal why this character was constantly plagued by angst. And I think that worked in this case. Imagine growing up you had five really close friends and then you murder 4 of them in cold blood unintentionally? That would mess up anyone.

Bella: Thank you for your review and I do wish you the best of luck with you biopsy. =) Don't worry about the length of the review I'm simply pleased to hear from anybody. Take care now.

With that said I do thank you all for the renewed interest in my story. We are on the home stretch here with the last few chapters. I have begun work on a new story (no it's not a sequel to Salaciousness) that I'm really excited about and hope to begin uploading before summers hits I will continue to update this thread periodically with review responses. Take care now. =)

Does it help that I state an upload date within the chapter? Since this site does not notify reviewers of updates I had decided to begin doing so. ETA for Chapter 18 is 05/14/11

EDIT (Sunday July 3rd) -

Hi guys, I'm still around. Although I don't have an ETA for next update I do have a working end for this story. I merely have to tie it in with my final battle scene and you will get a new chapter. I know it's hard to stay fresh on a story you began reading months ago when updates slow down. Normally I finish my stories from first update to completion within a few months. So I do apologize since this is unusual for me.

But once again I appreciate all the support I got on this title which was the most reviewed and rated of the four stories I have uploaded on this site. The journey Petras and Wren took me on was quite exciting and hopefully I can bring it all together and deliver an ending that is worthy of them. Take care all. =)

Review Responses Chapter 18

Ellie: my apologies for the long gap between updates. I'm trying to get myself back in the saddle. So many ideas and thoughts to put to paper but not as much time to sit in front of the computer unfortunately.

Marie Valencia: Thank you for your very detailed review. If you recall, Petras was having a nightmare when Riza was first introduced to the story. It was not a flashback, just what nightmares are usually made up of, feelings of dread.

I believe I know the sentence you were referring to with Wren. I'll post it below you can correct me if I'm wrong later. The following was taken from Chapter 14 more than halfway through.

Once Wren was completely tapped out; he leaned forward to clean his lover’s face...

This story isn't first person so the words "tapped out" is really not something Wren would use even in his thought process or speech. That was all me but to tell you the truth I should have worded that differently.

Estimated Upload date for Chapter 20 is 08/27/11

Edited by Concepcion33
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