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One year?

Guest Knorg

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Okay, Jan 1st echtrae put up the notice to say the forum had been running for one year. Anniversary. Contests (I'm about halfway into a story, but it juddered to a halt so I might not get it done...)

Anyway, I noticed that there's 40+ members who registered prior to Jan 1st 2006 (the earlist being december 1st 2005).

Was there a sort of... proto-forum before this one that just had the database transferred over on Jan 1st, or am I missin' something else? blink.gif

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Briefly before AFF went down for that small eternity, the forum was added to the site. It was great fun, good times were had by all--aside from the fact that it used to crash all the goddamned time (at least for me, but i truly doubt I was the only one experiencing the problem). I think that might be what you're referring to. Hope it helps.

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Yes, there was a previous incarnation of the forum running around. Alot of the main posters and moderators were on it at the time, as well as some of the techs. It's also the time from which all the "missing members" questions comes from. Not much different from this one, just a difference in topic location, and all the old topics were washed away to digital oblivion.

Though I do have a small question myself. What was with that mad russian when the forums first returned? The one with the old communist insignia in the sig?

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Guest Madapple

To add my two bits:

The forum was actually created in late Nov. 2005. Apollo, who owned the site, at that time, had moderators 'testing' the Forum, for technical problems, in preparation of its official unveiling on Jan 1, 2006.

In that test phase there were approx. 25 members, who, when the site was opened to general AFF members, became official Forum moderators.

In general, any members who have a member number less than 25, or a 'joined' date before Jan. 1, 2006, were part of that initial testing phase.

This all actually occurred shortly before AFF started having all of that server trouble, which, if memory serves correctly began in late February.

The AFFForum had officially been open for 1 year on Jan. 1, 2007.

The "missing member" posts refer to the moderators and other active members who did not return after the late summer server change and return of stability to the site.

Thank You DA.

I have no idea about the "mad russian."

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Guest echtrae

I hadn't realized that he was needed the first time. unsure.gif

And don't forget, today is the last day for the Store items. After today, the special anniversary items will disappear (even if you're hoarding them). So use them up. biggrin.gif

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I hadn't realized that he was needed the first time. unsure.gif

And don't forget, today is the last day for the Store items. After today, the special anniversary items will disappear (even if you're hoarding them). So use them up. biggrin.gif

If you run the items next year, please consider allowing the maxium avatar size being 50kb as it is for the 'upload small avatar' option.

It just allows for better quality or even better animated avatars, and shouldn't be much more of a load on resources than people using the upload small avatar option.

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Click here to see a list of members from before Jan 1st (and 7 from Jan 1st).

A lot of old accounts were deleted due to having zero posts weren't they? That might be why why the 50th listed as registering has usernumber 95

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yes, it was around that time when Aserenity posted her opinion on swear-words and became offended by my review, FoeoftheLance/Reddragon suggested we move the discussion to the forum which had been up and running for a week or so. I saved Aserenity's rant to word. All I have to do is go see when it was created in the properties tab. tata.

EDIT: or, pehaps that very day:

Created:  Sunday, January 01, 2006, 7:02:24 PM
What was with that mad russian when the forums first returned? The one with the old communist insignia in the sig?

Charging Handles Forward! The guy never drank and then ran away to join the army or marines or something like that. He made up a communist flag sig by repeating the same word over and over again. It was quite clever actually, although pretty long when he first posted it. It was blamed by some for the problems AFF was having at the time, which was a load of hokey. Don't know who started that rumour! I hope that CHF and Arora are doing okay.

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