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Time Travel Snarry


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I've been searching for this story for quite a long time now and still can't seem to find it anywhere! I just looked through the "Time Travel and Crossdimensional Travel Society", but didn't have any luck finding it... If it is there, then I'm missing it somehow. I know I've asked for help here in finding this, but that was a while ago and maybe someone new can help me out!?! Okay, so this is what I remember;



I know that Draco was living under the care of Sirius, though I don't remember why. But because of this, Harry and Draco become close like brothers. The Headmaster had both of the boys and their guardians in his office. Other friends of Harry's and their Parents were there too, but I don't remember who (might of been Hermione, Ron and Ginny). The Headmaster then told them, that with their Parents consent they would be sent to the past; back when Harry's Parents where still in school. They all agreed and the four (I think it was four or five) teens were sent back to the 70's (I don't remember the exact year). I think they landed on Hogwarts grounds, near the teenage James and Sirius. Shortly after their arrival, the teenage Remus appeared not far from them. In his arms he was holding a badly beaten Severus Snape.

It turns out Snape and the Marauders were actually friends, but kept it secret. When Harry saw how badly Snape was hurt, he ran over to his side and used his magic to heal him. Harry passed out and Madam Pomfrey arrived soon after. She was surprised someone as small as Harry could heal such injuries. She gave him a Pepper-up potion and ordered him to rest...

I know Harry tells the teens of the past who they are and helps them rescue Lily from the Dursley's. When he got to his mom he told her who he was... Um, I don't really remember anything after that. But I do know it was a Snarry.

If anyone know this story, could you please give me the title, author and a link!?!I would be very grateful, Please and Thank You! :)

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