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Gravitation Fanfic

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Guest Queen of the Darkness

Hello, I'm looking for a Gravitation fic (actually two) that I first read here on AFF. I do believe that Yuki and Shu get into yet another fight and Shu leaves and is kidnapped. The kidnapper has him for awhile, and ends up catching Thoma as well and decides to make money and destroy Thoma by leaking films and photos of Thoma and Shu together. They end up being rescued and all is well. There was a sequal in which Yuki is trying to help Shu get over the trama of being kidnapped and everything he suffered when both Shu and Yuki are taken by the same people. If you know of this fic and where I could find it as my personal copies were lost in a comp crash that would be excellent. Thank you.

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