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It feels strange to read through a pregnancy announcement thread and not see some militant childfree nut spouting off...



well, i've had 5 of the blighters, and I suppose I could say something totally jaded, but the offspring still give me a great comfort and joy. (sheesh, that sounded really Christmassy.) along with the worry and pain. I think that if i'da not had any at all i'da been as well content, however, since I'm just that sort of a person. Then again, I could have been an alcoholic. I do love alcohol.

Well, speaking as someone who never wants kids, Knorg,  I figure that my decision is like my vegetarianism or the fact that I'm pagan.  Just because that's what  I believe doesn't mean that I expect anybody else to believe the same way I do.  It's a personal choice one way or the other. Of course, I choose not to have kids because I'd be lousy mother.  I'm sure that Adara and Daz will be great Moms, so that's a big difference. &nsbp; &nsbp;:)

There's a huge difference between simply not wanting kids and being a militant childfree nut. I don't want kids, but I don't fall into the second catagory either.

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