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Rewriting a fic

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Guest DarkVampWriter

Just wondering if anybody has written a story here that was fantastic with a great number of reviews, but suddenly towards the end you feel the need to re-write the whole thing over again? It's like you wrote the fic everyone loved it but you feel like re-doing with a little more detail, and a little more spice maybe.

I really want to do it for one of my fics but I am scared that if I re-do the whole thing like adding details or changing something big my fans will think I am some bitch. Sheesh I hope not.

Anyways just curious.....

Guest ChibiShiva

I have the feeling to rewrite something, indeed. A long Tekken fic of mine called "Reminiscence" (WIP on hiatus, 27 chapters, about 35 planned in total, over a year worth of writing - posted on ff.net). I have 86 reviews for this one.

I'd be willing to write more on that fic. But there's a major problem.

Over the years, my writing style has changed. And it changed a lot. I read Reminiscence, and curse myself for making very short, bad-written chapters... but people liked it! And back then, I LOVED this fic.

Thus why I want to rewrite. Another problem is the fact I've pretty much dropped the fandom... -.-'

I don't really know what so suggest, since I'm in the same situation. Either try and finish it before rewriting it, or simply rewrite it now. Whatever feels and works out the best for you ^_^'



So I write a prequel, or a sequel or a challenge and then the urge goes away.

Guest DarkVampWriter

Never thought about writing a sequel to it..... or even a prequel. I think I should write a prequel that's even better.....

sleep.gif this might take awhile but it's worth doing it!

Guest Agaib

I actually have a plot line planned for both a prequel and a sequel for my story. I like my two main characters so much I cant keep my hands off of them. wub.gif

Guest Melody Fate
I really want to do it for one of my fics but I am scared that if I re-do the whole thing like adding details or changing something big my fans will think I am some bitch. Sheesh I hope not.

Anyways just curious.....

If anyone thinks you're a bitch for that, then screw 'em. No one is obliging them to read the "second" version.

It is your story so in the end it's got to please you. If you're constantly in the habbit of redoing every story, your readers will eventually figure that out and decide if they want to read the first version or wait.

When I was first writing fanfiction, there were mailing lists and newsgroups where you could post your "first draft" of the story to allow wide reaction. My friend ran an archive and she did have a rule, "I don't want re-writes!" but that was because she had to code every story then put it up, and too many people would send her new versions of their stories every day (no, I'm not kidding, I used to help her code sometimes. There was one girl who had ten stories, very short, but every day at least twice, she would send the "new versions" to be put up. Even when asked nicely not to do that, she would still do it. When told she couldn't do it, she wrote a scathing letter and threatened to have the site shut down. It was rather amusing if you weren't in the middle of it!)

However, with the birth of archives like AFF where updating is something the author can do as she wishes, without causing others any work, I think that's change and people understand that authors may want to rewrite their stories from time-to-time.

Besides, Steven King did it with The Stand. If he can do it, after having a book that people were charged to own, we as amature writers who live for only the feedback can do it too.

Guest Zimarah

Wow, I'm surprised the name "George Lucas" hasn't come up yet.

I've updated my story once it was moved over. Didn't change anything major, just cleaned it up really.

Guest DarkVampWriter
I actually have a plot line planned for both a prequel and a sequel for my story. I like my two main characters so much I cant keep my hands off of them.  wub.gif

I know I can't help that either. Some of my characters I just can't stop messing with them when I write. Too attached I guess.... ^___^

Besides, Steven King did it with The Stand. If he can do it, after having a book that people were charged to own, we as amature writers who live for only the feedback can do it too.

You're right and he is a pro author so I guess it wouldn't hurt an amature like me to re-write it. Oh well if some bitch about it screw it then ^__^

Guest arora

Go for it.

I just re wrote a long Naruto fic of mine I had started over a year ago. I got to chapter 22, then went back and re-read chapter 1 and cringed. there was soooo many gaps and plot holes and misspellings.

I tried to go back and change little things in each chapter, but then the little things that I changed would confuse the readers that just read the newest chapter without going back to the re read the edits.

So after thinking about it, I removed all the chapters and re posted them as I finished editing them. Some just had a better spell check ran on them, some had complete re writes.

Some people did bitch. But most appreciated the fact I went back and clarified some things. Strengthened the plot line and the relationships. In fact I picked up several new readers because the first version was a bit to rough for them and the second one was more appeasing.

Over all, re-editing the story was very well worth it because I can now go back a read my own work and like it, with out thinking that I should fix this and that and wonder what the heck I was thinking to post this chapter in the first place.

Guest Tuxedo Elf

I have one fic that, while I'm not sure was 'fantastic' was pretty popular. However, I was never entirely happy with it. So what I'm doing is not re-writing but just going through it chapter-by-chapter and editing the bits that need it.

Guest Big Samurai

Occasionally, as the years go by, I like to revisit my old ideas. If I think they are deserving, I write a 'reimagining' of them. ... Currently working on at least one of those for other web sites, actually.


Guest Jackie_Boi

I remember starting a story and posting the first chapter. It was just a short chapter, sort of introducing the characters. And so, I have two of the characters have sex like out of no where and it was well-recieved. So, as I'm writing the second chapter (this one way longer and more plot driven) I look back to the first chapter and noticed that the sex scene was not needed, it made it too much like a PWP. So, what do is edit the chapter, taking the whole sex scene out completely and add in some talking and whatnot. Next thing I know I get a review saying "I read the editted version and I didn't like it as much" So, I'm pretty disappointed and so I continued and now it has become my favorite story to write on and is my most popular fic to date. With that sex scene gone it allowed me to build up the relatioship between the characters, so the reader is like, "For God sakes, kiss already!"

So basically, this long and slightly pointless post of mine is saying that, re-writing/editting is fine, even if the ones that you love (the reviewers biggrin.gif) don't like the redone version. As long as you are happy with it, then it's fine. And you might even get some new readers!

  • 5 months later...

I went back and looked through the first fiction I wrote and posted. Needless to say, I thought it could be improved greatly blink.gif I decided to take it off the site and completely rewrite it, hopefully for the better. Just curious if anyone else has ever felt the need to do this.


Oh yeah, I feel ya! Though, I'm revising little by little, and I won't take off the old version until I'm done with the "better" one. smile.gif


I'm currently considering it. Someone recently contacted me about an anchient InuYasha fic that I deleted off mm.org awhile back because I realized that it was crap. Well apparently, that opinion is not shared because a very intelligant fan wanted to know what happened to it, where did go?

Well flattery gets everywhere with me, and I dug the hardcopy of the story out of the bottom of a drawer and began looking it over again. While the writing makes me cringe now, I think I might be able to fix it. Though it's been so long for me when it comes to the IY fandom, that all my muses have pretty much left and I haven't written het in nearly a year. I fear the best I'm going to be able to do is a cosmetic edit....


That's always good though no? I mean, you've already put in the work for the actual breadth of the fiction. Now you'll simply make grammatical and as you say, "cosmetic" touch ups. smile.gif

Sometimes we do have to give some to our readers. After all, writing for ourselves is nice and all but writing something we love and that others love too is better. tongue.gif


Ah gods, if only it were that simple! I'm essentially looking at chopping a four part (chapters? Ha!) story down to a one-shot because the rest is either horrible or unusable. The closing part is the only one that's remotely salvageable and even then I'm going to have to do some major overhauls, even if most of it is cosmetic.

*face fall*

I still don't know if I want to do it.

Guest Big Samurai

I'm all about rewrites, remakes, and reimaginings. For my sad attempt at Na No Wri Mo this year, I grabbed a short story that I wrote -- as a kid, mind you -- back in '90 and gave it a serious brush-up. Felt really good.


Seeing as I started writing fanfiction to improve my skills as an author (because I really didn't have any skill to speak of when I started blink.gif) I look over my older stuff and CRINGE. I am constantly rewriting, but I also realized that it does take away from newer stuff I want to write...so it's a fine line to balance. New fic...old fic...new fic...old fic...trying to flush my laptop down the toilet since I'm suffering from a bad case of writers block and writers frustration...

So I've decided there must be a purpose to a rewrite, I must like the story enough to plod through it once again, and I must have a plan for what I can change before I charge in, red-ink in hand.

Does anyone notice their rewrites taking longer to write than the original? I'm always mulling for hours on chapters I'm redoing, I don't think it's healthy biggrin.gif

(I also border on the side of revision over rewrites, though I have totally redone fics before).

Another question: Do you find yourself wanting to rewrite the beginning of ongoing fics you have? I have one which is currently twenty chapters long, and though the later chapters are pretty decent, the first ones were horrid (rewrote two and revised one). Is it normal to see such a progression in your writing (LD has only been authoring fanfiction for a short while, doesn't really know if she's doing it right dry.gif )

Another question: Do you find yourself wanting to rewrite the beginning of ongoing fics you have? I have one which is currently twenty chapters long, and though the later chapters are pretty decent, the first ones were horrid (rewrote two and revised one). Is it normal to see such a progression in your writing (LD has only been authoring fanfiction for a short while, doesn't really know if she's doing it right dry.gif )

I sometimes completely overhaul chapters. For "Strange Bedfellows" I kicked out one chapter shifted chapter five to chapter chapter six and wrote a whole new chapter 5. laugh.gif It worked out quite well actually. Also made the story quite lemon-heavy.

  • 2 weeks later...

I was asked recently to re-write the last chapters to my first fic - just to make them flow better with my usual writing style you understand. The only problem with that is the fact that when I wrote it I was suffering from a few things - A) writer's block, cool.gif plot bunnies running amok for other fics and C) the complete and utter belief that the story had turned into something along the lines of dog vomit. But far be it for me to drop something that people seemed to like even if it squicked (?) me a bit.

I don't know - am I being a bit dense here?

Guest .:Deathbringer:.

I think about doing that all the time with Incomplete. But not only am I worried about my fans who are in love with the Rikku/Paine with slightly optional Yuna yuriness, I'm more-so worried about that while I may get around to fixing it, I'll NEVER get around to posting it... O_O

I'm waaaaaaaaaaaaaay behind on Incomplete and I'm too far to take it down and much more lazy to put it back if I get finished tweaking... @_@ Hence why it'll stay right thurr while I get the chaptaz rollin'... X3

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