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Guest smint45

I'm not quite sure about this story since it has been some time since I read it, but if anybody knows it I would be really happy.

It's about Itachi and Naruto. Itachi is a workaholic who is given a pet by Kiba. Naruto is the pet although I'm not quite sure what he was maybe an fox anthro or an sex adroid. Well Itachi is not really happy about the situation and put naruto in his villa somewhere far away and leaves him there. But Naruto is dieing becuase he can't survive if he dosen't have sex once a week. Kiba tells Itachi and he heads back end rescues Naruto in the last second. I don't know what happens after that.

I really loved this story and I want to read it again. So If anybody knows it and can tell me I would be really happy!!!!

Thanks a lot and free cookies for everybody who replies!!!

Guest smint45

Thank you so much that's the one!!! I'm so happy!!! You get a million free cookies!!!

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