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Lucius/Hermionie OR Lucius/Harry?

Guest Jemicakes

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Guest Jemicakes

I'm a huge fan of Lucius/Hermionie or Lucius/Harry with Lucius on top. Sadly, I've run out of good romance fanfics that have been completed. I haaaate reading incomplete fanfics.

Does anyone have any recommended reads? I'll take anything that doesn't read like a five year olds journal, or involve someone suddenly becoming the strongest witch/wizard in the world and Heir to all four hogwarts founders as well as part magical creature. Those over the top fics just turn me way off.

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Alrightly, i got a couple for you! These are LM/HP...

En Las Montañas


it's sequel Come the Maëlstrom


both complete. They are on ff.net but these are the MA rated, the MA stuff is cut out on ff.net

Hanging By A Moment Complete


I have some others but they tend to be Gary Stu-ish and some i haven't finished reading or incomplete at this point. For now, those three should hold you (especially the first two, they are big!) Since Hp?LM are fairly odd as a pairing there's not much out there that's complete.

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Guest Jemicakes

Thank you! I'll get right onto reading those :D

And yeah, I know it's a strange pairing with no basis lol. I just love those older men, especially when they're wealthy and hansom ♥ Though I do like a bit of Snape too.

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