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Seeking specific Harry/Draco story


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I read this story a little while ago, so the details are a little murky for me. I'll try to remember as much as i can.

This story is in Hogwarts era. Hagrid is a Professor in Care of magical creatures. He pairs off his students and gives them the assignment of raising these magical creatures. I cant remember which creature it is but i do remember that it LOVES to insult people and mate a lot. (I believe its Ron's that keeps mating and it doesnt mind mating right in front of people either) I think it also likes to sleep a lot but i'm not sure.

Harry and Draco take turns watching their creature..Harry in his dorm/common room and Draco in his own private room (prefects i think) Draco buys their creature a special bed and some food/toys that it likes. The creature insults them and others almost constantly (very funny) and it also demands belly rubs.

At the end of this assignment, when its time to give Hagrid the creature back, Harry and Draco are sad about it. They ultimately decide to keep their pet because they have become so attached to it. I believe theirs is a male..wish i could remember his name but i cant.

This is a slash fic. Harry and Draco form a relationship and stay together at the end. Oh, its not only Harry and Draco's creature that likes to insult..its ALL of them. Its in their nature to insult people and they are very good at it.

I'm sorry but thats all i can remember. Thank you for any help you can give me in locating this story!

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