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Guest Nour1122

Hello! I'm looking in general for any good slash fics, preferably under the following description:

D/s fics with Harry as the bottom, paired with most any guy, but I mostly like Drarry, Snarry, Fen/Harry, Bill/Harry, Charlie/Harry, or any threesome and/or moresome combination of those characters. I'm open to long or short stories, as long as they are complete or regularly updated; I hate getting to the end of a good story and never knowing how it will turn out, ya know?

I also like AU/AR fics with Harry going to a different magic school or high school fics. In that category, I'm open to most pairings with original characters, again, so long as Harry is the bottom. For example, I am in love with Toki Mirage's Bloody Skies that can be found here, FFN, and LJ; I think Harry (a.k.a Cyrus) should be having a threesome with Rivehn and Yankovich, but the author has made it painfully clear that that won't be happening (is sad). Either way, if you haven't read it yet, you must be good to yourself and indulge in the awesomeness that is Shikaan! (Is shamelessly advertising others' work)

Any help in finding new (for me anyway) reads would be more than greatly appreciated! Have a wonderful day and god bless!


I absolutely love Submission. Also on hpfandom.net there is one called The Desperate Sorrow of a Passionate Man, another good one on that site is Excerpts from On the Plethora of Uses for Zingiber officinale. On ff.net there is Perfect Triangle, and another one that I am searching my favorites for others, but another favorite is The Pains of Misunderstandings.

On ff.net:

Bonds of Affection--very good and long

Guest Nour1122

Thank you both so very much! This will definitely keep me busy for a while!

Guest kermit02

The author SlashPervert she is very good and writes bottom Harry. Her web site is slashpervert.org.

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