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Beta Requested For WoW Stories


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I'm looking for a beta for two stories I'm writing for the World of Warcraft fandom. One is a long series, the other is a three-part half-finished one-shot (of which I've posted the first part). The one-shot is very mild and vanilla, since it was my attempt at WAFF and an uncomplicated plot. The series is dark, complex and written in the form of journal entries that will later change to a different writing style. It features stuff like graphic rape, bondage, M/F, F/F, orgies, NonCon, violence (during sex and elsewhere), a ridiculously overcomplicated plot, angst and death.

I'm looking for a beta for either or both (or hey, if neither draws your attention but you'd like to leave me a message to contact you if I write something else after I'm finished with those two, by all means go ahead!). I should warn I'm a perfectionist and that I really expect you'll help me with stuff beyond grammar and vocabulary (that's the main reason I haven't asked for a beta before, because I'm not looking for a spell-checker). I would appreciate your help with things like emotional content, characterization, realism, coherence, plot holes and the like. I'm honest and I expect you to be the same way. I'm also receptive to criticism and I'm always trying to improve.

So, check out my profile if this interests you, the stories are in these links. PM me if you're still interested after reading them.

Cleansing The Taint.

Winter Of A Lifetime.

Thank you.

EDIT: Apparently I've been getting ideas for more stories than these, mostly drabbles and oneshots. If that's your thing, let me know.

Edited by Shadowknight12
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