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Slave of Egypt - could use an Anal and Rapefic tag

Otto's Experiment wordord:

summary - stsrters = starters

beacheggieggie = beach. Reggie

Rocket Girl - needs Rapefic, Inc, Oral - you can take out F/M because it's 3M first ch

RID 197274: regardlof wof = regardless of

ch 1: suckit het = sucking at

Revelation heartache - need song citation "Sweet Pain" by Cree Summer


arounr chr = around her

any ely = anybody

wascontcontest = was no contest

The Price - wordord:

RID: 299708 - dil man= ???


righright = copyright

gottais tis = gotta do is

ntiontion = attention

dion,ion, = decision,

concconcerned = too concerned

All grown up-and how! ch 10 - citations need fixed - the info's at the bottom, but there's no footnoting

The un-simple life - squishy!

Tag needed: Minor2, Fingering

Birthday Beginnings - disclaimer needs modified: the fandom is "Filmation / Original Ghostbusters" not "The Real Ghostbusters"

ch 2:

replreplied = he replied.

deredered = I ordered

plumbher = plumbing

ch 3 :

icocococoon = in a cocoon

ch 7:

haakenaken = have been taken

AgreAgreed = [line break] "Agreed.

laightight = last night

ch 8:

sl sta = slowly

Ghoster ter = Ghostbuster

tes.[linebreak]. = testily.

offamifamily = of my family

hony ony = how many

explahy lhy = explain why

didn'ke ake = didn't take

lust ust = I'm just

cst ast = closest

lis" S" = listen."

ch 9:

tense res = tensed in

herLookLooks = her. "Looks

longe, se, = long time,

ch 14: (AN-needs to move)

One One - Everyone

Just the Way You Are - disclaimer needs modified as this is XO fic

tags needed: MC (possession), N/C

ch 1 (AN): (not(not = ??? (not

ch 2:

exhiling,ing, = exhilarating,

briilluillumination = brilliant illumination

n. n. = go on.

ch 3:

VCke Jke = VCR woke

butwas was = but it was

oer ber = out her

ch 4:

continuntilntil = continued until

frhe fhe = from the

se sse = Please

cnue nue = continue

l, tl, = gavel,

ch 5: Needs Citation of dialogue lifted directly from the movie. - The first three lines are a direct lift, to the best of my recollection.

of his his = off at his

ch 6:

Alice’s , Ra, Ray = Alice's eyes, Ray

ch 7: formatting needs fixed

rtunrtunity = opportunity

“I’m“I’m - strike one

“ . . . And went right ..." to the end of the chapter needs citation - it's a direct replay of the movie scenes - dialogue and action

ch 8:

thae ote = that the

o Fou Four = old. Four

arst.rst. = ???

nighlidaliday = night holiday

Yhinkhink = You think

uessuess = [space]I guess

rake fke familiar = ??? - I guess you can take out the garbled text, it makes sense without it.

its dep[doublespace line] = its depths.[line break]

AlicAlice = and Alice

no you you = now as you

ch 9:

starting at “All right suck.." to "...I’m a Ghostbuster!” "-direct lift needs citation

nappnapped = it snapped

Sovedoved = She loved

ust ust = at just

orthorth. = Hayworth.

backher = back of

piof eof = piece of

witge wge = with rage

’s d’s = Dana's

ch 10:

Petew thw = Peter knew

grn Jan = grip on

you’lll bal = you'll draw

dingding = [space]nodding

twerewere = they were

stant.[line break]nt. = statement.

s dis = She

blond loo looked = blond looked

EgonEgon = [line break]Egon

Truth.e tre = ???

alreseenseen = already seen

ch 11:

re tre = you're

E St = Egon,

ch 12:

eve every = every

allyally = finally

waluld uld = walk would

ch 13:

pus all = push at

stubstubble = the stubble

g. N. = good.

voicd tud = voice and

Mo?” ?” = Mother?"

no no = was no

e toe = three

ty why = to say

freearsears. = fresh tears.

all all = was all

“No -- on a line by itself, delete

Egatchatched = Egon watched

ch 14:

liveShe = lives.

ady bdy = a candy

“O -- on a line by itself, delete

ch 15:

quy iny = quickly

ch 16:

Whre yre = What are

heuld-uld-be = her would-be

ch 17:

threeked ked = three looked

eped ped = prepared

ch 18:

std - and

ch 19:

ting.ing. = training.

ch 22:

freearsears = fresh tears

ch 23 (AN - need to be moved to bottom of ch 22):

Episodeserenerenced: = Epsiodes referenced

friendl. St. = friendlier

, bu, = tall,

Birth and Rebirth

ch 2 is only a cited quotation - is there data missing?

ch 3:

trst rst = to burst

mar! ar! = ???

ch 4:

sarcasticallShe = sarcastically.

babare = babies

hiowniowning = him frowning

Yotopptopped = York stopped

pa twi twice = pay me twice

ch 5:

Dnd Mnd = Dad and

ch 7:

wases les = was times

portporter = a reporter

ld lid = looked

containmenit, it, = containment unit,

Janmumbmumbled = Janine mumbled

a eye = many

e hie = print?

ch 8:

polopologetic = an apologetic

bab”[line break]” = babies."

interjecteJessJessica = interjected as Jessica

red. d. = reddened.

ch 10: “ ‘ . . . cuz one ... pointless.’ ” - citation needed - direct lift from G2 movie

Corom rom = Coke from

‘And you ... ourselves!’ - citation needed

ch 11:

tthirthirty = than thirty

ch 12:

tin ain = them in

Jes’s e’s = Jessica's

heair air = her chair

Es sps = Egon's

ch 14:

Yo my my = You're my

seng hng = sliding

ch 16:

Jand End = Jake and

mmaimmature = their immature

Thostbostbusters = The Ghostbusters

barelcapicaping = barely escaping

rer = her

Peter Ego Egon = Peter and Egon

ch 18:

he dhe = on the

ght ght = caught sight ?

ch 19:

frhe ahe = from the

haookeooked = had 'hooked

Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn - citation needed (HP Lovecraft)

youp.” p.” = you stop."

r. A. Ae woe = right. And

ch 20:

spl ocl = special

ch 21:

thtchitching = the ???

nameh reh = name with

kneeknee. = one knee.

cutaratarat = cut one carat

box pla = box and

ch 22:

derialrializers = dematerializers

ch 24:

Jessic my my = Jessica in my

leftn ann = left Egon

ghim = gave

ch 25:

thtes.tes. = the rites.

of of = fate of

ch 26:

Ashtrietried = Ashton tried

wateeneaeneath = water beneath

mothmoth = mammoth

tirecirection = the direction

cr, Rr, = close,

shakso bso = shaking so

ch 27:

Nt alt all. = Not at all.

ch 28:

ro Jak Jake = room. Jake

to a[line break]E[line break]Eddie = to ask.[line break]Eddie

ica ica = Jessica

ch 29:

way, ” W” = way, Egon"

Janielnielnitz = Janine Melnitz

ch 30:

haveery ery = have a very

ch 31:

beodmoodmother = be a godmother

ch 32:

la Ego Egon = later, Egon

ch 33:

ouslously = obviously

Holding Out for a Hero

ch 1:

other.thinthink = other. I think

ch 2:

ag to to = agreed to

saian dan = said than

ch 3:

Her Her = P. Her

of sho = office

ch 4:

t olt old = tall old

thekagekage = the package

ch 5:

kertkerton = Pinkerton

fretfulness,thatthat = fretfulness, and that

All About the Anthonys - disclaimer needs to be modified - XO Filmation and Real Ghostbsuters AND includes Susan B Anthony (she plays an active part in the story as a ghost)

ch 2:

mous ous = mutinous

ch 3:

gre. “. “What’s = greeted. "What's

ch 4:

ed ted = attempted

ch 6:

partnern hen = partner when

ch 7:

G Com = General

l awl = still

you’ve gve = you'd have

hairhair = red hair

openes eys = opened his

red fod = reached

muboutbout = much about

ch 8:

agan a n = again on

ch 9:

replnoncnoncommittally = replied noncommittally

ch 10:

paragraph ending in "cheer" Next para is only a "T" - delete

houthouth = his mouth

frightfuil. il. = firghtful wail.

proriflrifle = proton rifle

ch 11:

about t”[line break]” = about that."

ch 12:

Smirkmirked. = She smirked.

wthrothrough = went through

thean = those

ch 14: once you move ch 15 to the bottom (since it's AN only) the citation issue in this chapter is resolved.

Oh Hell-y Night

ch 2: citation of song needed; formatting seems to have been erased - wall o' text

Hau smi smirk. = He smirked.

what I sa Peter = what I said." Peter

pd thd = pulled

ch 3:

downst to to = downstairs to

ch 4:

, I , I = "No, I

m jus just = me to just

a w a woman = with a woman

iat Iat = is that

ch 6: formatting lost - wall o' text

otheothers = the others

sho The Then = shock. Then

downher her = down on her

Okay. I’m = "Okay I'm (with the loss of format, I think the " char got chomped)

Yave.ave. = You have.

t. t. = shaft.

The Naked Truth

ch 3:

evn exn = even an

forgett tht = forget that

ch 5:

hanownnown = have known

andt tot = and went

ch 6:

eyef “Wh = eyeful.

“Spengler Juni Sh = "Spengler Junior."

ch 7:

thatthat = and that

automally lly = automatically

ch 8:

posk.[line break]k. = postmark.

showedm thm = showed them

photographEgonEgon = photograph to Egon

amuse the the = amused at the

patientd hed = patient and

ch 9:

apartme[line break]The = apartment.[line break]

Our Present to the Future

ch 2 - formatting lost

fac “A “Aww = face. "Aww

Everycraccracked = Everybody cracked

Spensmilsmiled = Spenser smiled

themhe ghe ghost = them. The ghost

Egonliedlied. = Egon smiled.

anvitavitated = and levitated

ch 3 - formatting lost

proorshorship = professorship

ch 4 - formatting lost

Parmal mal = Paranormal

ted ted = pointed

ch 5:

t abl able = to be able

pas past = the past

won’t lit = won't you

E’s e’s = Eddie's

ch 6:

P lau = Peter

aneir eir = and their

wie ree = are all ?

havpeatpeatedly = have repeatedly

in lif lifetimes = in your lifetimes

ch 8:

Evener ser = Even Peter

iyouryour = it's your

anenedened = and opened

histor cir circular = history is circular

ch 9:

tossecompcompanionable = tossed a companionable

Slimer . “. = Slimer said.

arthbrthbound = an earthbound

ch 10:

heeek.eek. = her cheek.

erasedr mer = erased your

ch 11:

whe do = when we

gonesones = gemstones

beto gto = began to

gravitatver ver = gravitated over

Tcoupcouple = The couple

Sl smi = Slimer

ch 13:

libulibur = ???

Voyeurism - Appears there's a gap between ch 8-9 and ch 16-17 judging by how author has numbered.

ch 2:

t|o dto = them to

S imm = Stiff

ch 3:

veryiousious = very serious

rned ned = returned

k dis = kinda

ch 4:

er. er. = ruler.

ch 5:

havereatreat = have a great

samthouthout = same without

iGB aGB = into GB

ch 6:

ot aot = Do not

ch 9:

Quartersrimerime = Quarters[line break]Prime

ar,”ar,” = ???

ch 10:

a’m r’m = and I'm

gentressressure = gentle pressure

ch 12:

Hisce wce = His voice

hismachmach = his stomach

herowerowed = he narrowed

png ong = ???

Sookeooked = She looked

steppeck ick in = stepped back in

in, in, = Then, (?)

sed aed = stepped

ap clp = a step

nodd She = nodded.

ep bep = a step

d dod do = could do / would do

feirmlirmly = feet firmly

Shnallnally = She finally

room fhat hat seemed = room. It seemed --I have no idea what that other word should be.

faced rod = face and

ch 13:

shocand = shocked

hinghing = Nothing

s iss = This

k Co = know!

ch 14:

anappeapped = and wrapped

dresd pid = dress and

other.pparpparitia = other." Apparitia

danceances = dance ???

ch 15:

a to to = a bit to

smirkingher,her, = smirking at her,

comentment = compliment

H He = [line break]He

ch 16:

fd hid = forced

alo along = arm along

ch 17:

lieut but = lie about

ch 18:

Ver, bu, = Vermont,

I hel = I say

ch 20:

mehelphelp = me to help

ch 21:

truthruth. = the truth.

Ghostbu. N. = Ghostbuster.

famieforefore. = family before.

ghoseforefore. = ghosts before.

lookedn atn = looked down

Ghusteuster = Ghostbuster

thoor.oor. = the floor.

’t g’t = didn't

mom ent = moment

ch 22:

thech, ch, = the couch,

mentment, = a moment,

wasallealled. = was appalled.

Traceytop top = Tracey, stop

turboe see = turbo and

ch 23:

v Jes = visit

violent Jes = violently.

“That’w,” w,” = "That's ???"

ypeakpeak, = you speak,

Hoe fue = How the

nex next = But next

ch 24:

to Hto = got to

ind, sd, = injured,

Okay.m wim = Okay. I'm

ch 25:

reachhe dhe = reached the

Trasmassmashed = Tracey smashed

smi smiled = he smiled

ben bent = He bent

se wae was = she was

hey any = heavily

ch 27:

ue. ue. = rescue.

wil will = "You will

thll all = the hell

ch 28:

completelddendden = completely hidden

ch 29:

looup aup = looked up

screwe. I. I = screwed up. I

Sweet Temptation

ch 2: squishy!

fror fir = from her

anym she she = anymore, she

forwardard ard = forward toward

Strange Love - citation needed for lyrics at the top: "Strange Love" by Depeche Mode

  • 2 months later...


15607 Renegade Lust

normnormal = our normal

tur pur = turn to

30780 Path of the Renegade

/p> - open tag

there.spanspan>You = there. You

"Pove."ve. = "Positive."

28648 Game over: Childhoods End

pan>pan> - broken tag

34702 The Gift

spacing issues after song lyrics

n stn style="mso-spacerun: yes"> - open tag

unf unfairness = The unfairness

evercle cle = every cycle

n Enn = that

Matrix grinned.[line break]soon as he had - text missing.

codesn'tsn't = code doesn't

anemisemishes = any blemishes

an>Ian>I - bad tag - line should read "Oh! I... uh-"

yo kno know = you to know

guidinem tem to = guiding them to

Ie yoe = I love

withohat hat = without that

ever so gy. - bad author or broken tag?

b of of = bits of ?

p class=MsoNormal style='mso-margin-top-alt:auto;mso-margin-bottom-alt:auto'"I was pretty excited to be with you, Enzo.span style="mso-spacerun: yes" /spanYou're a real hottie."/p p class=MsoNormal style='mso-margin-top-alt:auto;mso-margin-bottom-alt:auto'"AndrAIa!span style="mso-spacerun: yes" /spanStop…"/p p class=MsoNormal style='mso-margin-top-alt:auto;mso-margin-bottom-alt:auto'"You are." She grinned, nibbling his ear playfully.span style="mso-spacerun: yes" /span"I can't believe the stuff you were thinking about.span style="mso-spacerun: yes" /spanWhy do you guys spend so much time worrying about your penis, for User's sake?"/p p class=MsoNormal style='mso-margin-top-alt:auto;mso-margin-bottom-alto'"o'>"AndrAIa!"

- GAH!

{"I was pretty excited to be with you, Enzo. You're a real hottie."

"AndrAla! Stop..."

"You are." She grinned, nibbling his ear playfully. "I can't believe the stuff you were thinking about. Why do you guys spend so much time worrying about your penis, for User's sake?"


embaring!ing! = embarrassing!

nd and and = bitmap and (don't ask - I'm judging this one by the rest of the ugh!fic sex scene)

toan, an, = to moan,

powepower = the power

gif gift = the gift

it?"pan> = it?"

600005311 The Real Showdown - squishy! -all 3 chapters

600005310 Inner Thoughts - squishy! - both chap.s

600005303 Merging - squishy!

600005312 Too Hot to Handle - squishy! - both chap.s

600040257 Swap File

squished line: "from the [line break] brink of"

squished para starting at "The hulking"

squished para starting at "Matrix took"

squished para starting at "“What was"

squished para starting at "Matrix took"

6000091773 Spread the Love is ch 2 of 600091731 Emulate what Stimulates

30780 Path of the Renegade. is ch 2 of 15607 Renegade Lust

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