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It's a HP/DM and it also has RW/BZ, HG/VK...What I remember of this story is that Hermione was really mean and that she left Ron for VK and then they found out that Hermione was pregnant and when they made a paternity test to see who was the father they found out that it was Ron's and she wanted to kill it, but then Ron wanted it and they transfer the baby from her to him, and after that Blaise and Ron went to the beach with Draco and Harry & he was pregnant too and Blaise was falling for Ron. Oh yeah and they drove a car to the beach..

This story I read it long time ago, but I haven't found it yet ;)

New clue: I remember that Ron was hiding in an alcove because Hermione was looking for him and Harry and while there he overheard that she hated him and never liked him. Also another think I remember is that Blaize was sitting on the sand and Draco came up to him and they talk about Ron.

New Clue: I remember that Blaize gave his DNA for the baby that got trasfer to Ron so they baby would be both of them as I think Hermione didn't want nothing to do with it.

Also the main pairing in this fic is DM/HP second is VK/HG.

I hope someone out there knows which story I speak about,



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