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Into the Dark


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Wow...okay, so we'll see how well this works

Kylee: If you can figure it out, let me know! I love cat boys/men :) I had to try my hand at it!

Thanks for pointing out the unfinished sentence, it is fixed now!

Zoey: Hmm, addictions are good :) I mean, um....yeah. Sorry for the wait, but have no fear, I will not abandon it. I just tend to get distracted by shiny new stories myself!

Vex: haha, yes he is! Hope you continue to enjoy the plot.

ASOTA: confusion abounds. And probably will for some time, sorry to say. (okay, no, I'm not) It will all be made clear...eventually!

Antaris: well, we see Alex's feelings about the surprise sex this chapter, but Muranthen's reasons won't be revealed for a while, sorry! (And there is a reason, but since this is from Alex's POV and they have that fun language barrier... we all get left in the dark)

Iamme: yes, yes it does. Now if it could only happen to me....lol

Sun hands: Glad you enjoyed, and hope this chapter keeps your interest!

mdevries08: Thank you so much. Hopefully the rest of the story meets your expectations!

Evensong: Thanks for the review - and sorry for the delay, hope this chap makes up for it!

Chapter 3 Reviews: (if I missed any, I apologize)

Kylee: I know, how dare he think with his big head instead of his little head? But do keep in mind, he has no idea if thee would be any other chances to get home. Although, me, personally, I'd stay there ;P

Luna: I know, I'm mean :( Although that does make for a cute/sad picture. I wish I could draw. Of course, for all Alex knows Muranthen could have been taking him home for some nefarious reason...

Sahari: Some more company for the chapters ;) Hope you liked it, and I'll try not to wait so long for the next one.

bluefishie: It sounds like you didn't particularly care for the first chapter? What didn't you like about it - I'd like to know so I can improve.

zoey: Sorry for the wait on this one, but unfortunately I do like cliffhangers, so there's likely to be more of them!

Althydia: As I said above, I like cliffhangers ;) The answer is he didn't know - but he took a leap of faith, and since it would be rather hard to have a story and kill of the main character in the third chapter, he was right. Kind of brave/stupid of him. I love cats too, and my two babies were the inspiration for her (even if they're both male :P) I like mpreg so long as it's done right - I've read stories where it's 'real world' and 'somehow' males are now able to get pregnant. I kind of read it like - uh, what? If you're going to write out a whole story, at least do some brainstorming and think up a reason for why. It doesn't even necessarily need to be a good/realistic reason, as long as it shows you put some effort into it, and didn't just want 'kawaii uke emo boys' to get knocked up. /rant

And now, after that, I hope you like the reason for the mpreg in my story - when we get around to the explanation, anyway ;)

toni: they did use some sign language/hand gestures when necessary. As for why Muranthen didn't teach him words like 'tree' and stuff - well, they were in the woods. That's pretty much the only word he could have taught him ;) There's another reason, but we'll find that one out later on.

Edited by Divanora
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Chapter 4 replies:

Holy crap, I've actually managed to post twice in a week. *checks the thermostat in hell* Anyone who reads this - you can comment/ask questions/etc as well as read the replies. Not saying I'll be able to answer the questions, but I'll answer anything that doesn't give anything away.

miles: He's (sort of) made his decision, so hopefully his decision works for him ;) Actually, Alex did have a bit of a pudge to begin with; he just thinks it's gotten a bit worse. And I've got plans for Jamie, assuming anyone wants to read about him!

Avihenda: I won't abandon any fic already posted. I actually have the entire story plotted out, and an outline of each chapter written up. It's just a matter of finding the time to sit down and flesh out the chapters. But right now I seem like I'm on a roll with this story, and I don't plan on stopping until I have to!

nyks: Everyone feels sorry for Muranthen ;) I'm never very nice to my characters! Only time will tell if he can forgive Alex or not though.

kylee: His confusion's cleared up a bit now (I know it seems rushed, but this chapter does span out over a month) As for being Muranthen's pregnant mate...well, we'll have to wait and see! (And Jamie and Muranthen fighting over Alex gives a whole new meaning to cat fight, lol!)

lady-me: Glad you're enjoying it so far!

Kuromei: You'll find out eventually ;) And thanks for mentioning that 'other world time' - I was having an issue with a plot point that I had to set up, and your comment made the muse and the plotbunny co-operate! So Ch 5 is dedicated to you!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Chapter 5 replies:

Moving right along!

Althydia: Lots of questions! Hopefully some have been answered this chap, although obviously we have to leave some mystery ;) I tried to give Sascha a little more 'screen time' just for you ;) And the 'thought of forum guy/Matt showing up preggers is a funny one, but alas, he is straight and having kids the old fashioned way :P

usmorgan: We're getting closer...well, sort of :P But who knows, maybe Muranthen will end up 'here' instead!

Avihenda: Uh, see above reply? lol - everyone's so anxious for Alex to get back! What about Jamie and Lisa?

miles: yup, sort of at least - I figure, I know a lot of my friends couldn't stand the taste of coffee while pregnant, and with the feline-ish nature of the baby, it seemed like a good compromise. The choice between his sister and Muranthen will definitely be a hard/sad one...if he has to make it.

sahari: I have been incredibly motivated with this story lately - I actually have about a third of the next chapter written as well. Jamie won't be left hanging, don't worry - I've got plans for him!

Chris isn't necessary a 'great guy' - he's just one of those guys that seem to have such a great life, but they're nice so you kind of feel bad for hating them, even when you're jealous as hell. But if it makes you feel better, you can pretend his wife is cheating on him, lol. That'll be his last appearance anyway. And I wish I had cat men to give out - though I'd have to keep one for myself!

kylee: another quick-ish update! Yes, I think 'surprised' might be a bit of an understatement, lol. I'm having a lot of fun with his sister - she's pretty much the polar opposite of Alex. Telling Jamie about Muranthen would probably be a lot easier if he was, ya know, human :P

MustLove_PrettyBoys: Yea, he probably should have. But then that would have been a really short, boring story :P A lot more smut though...hmm....

Minako: Glad the lines are better, and I hope you enjoyed the last two (or three, now) chaps!

bunnicle: Yes, yes he is. But at least he apologizes? Glad you're enjoying it so much - and if you want, I'm on FP as well. They have those nifty alert features.

RT: He's getting closer, but he had another discovery to make first ;)

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Guest Bluefishie

bluefishie: It sounds like you didn't particularly care for the first chapter? What didn't you like about it - I'd like to know so I can improve.

The only thing I didn't like was the format, I don't know if it's just me, but blocks of text that are very close together (not double spaced for instance) hurt my eyes to read. I caught up on the other chapters too and I like them. Everything else is great!

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