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  • 2 months later...
Guest Louisa Maie

I posted the second chapter to my story Ador, Amour in originals, and now it is gone. but it still tells me that i should have all 4 of my stories. i was wondering if it was deleted and if so why. also i didn't get a warning or anything about it.


Okay, I'm going to say this once again. Hidden stories are NOT tech support issues. Any further posts in tech support will be deleted. PLEASE post these in the proper forum, where this is moved to.

Guest Louisa Maie

Okay, can you tell me where i might find where you moved it to, or where i need to post it to. i'm new to the forum and trying to figure things out. thanks for the help.


Look at the top of the topic, and you'll see a series of titles..

AFF Community Forums >AFF Main >Report >Dicslaimer and other issues >Missing Story

What that nested menu means is this..

The forum>AFF Main (category)>Report (subforum in AFF main)>Disclaimer and other issues (subforum of Report in AFF Main)>Missing Story (Topic Title)


Okay, checked your story. Thing is, when you initially added the chapter, you added a placeholder, and not actual chapter data. We don't allow placeholders. Not as stories, chapter adds, or anything like that.

***this is purely a test to see how well this goes over, and if the characters are liked. if it has good reviews, or has been read a lot i will add more and fix this chapter. SO, if you like it and want to see more please let me know!!! thank you all,who reads it.**

That part you either need to modify or eliminate entirely. The part that is underlined (by me) constitutes a review demand. That's something ELSE we don't allow.

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