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I don't remember the title or author. The story was Draco/Harry and took place a few years or so after the books (i want to say it disregaurded HBP and DH but i could be wrong) Draco had all his money and such and i believe Lucius was dead but Narcissa was alive... Harry is a workaholic Auror who lives in a spartan apartment and eats only enough to survive, he sleeps an exact amount and works all hours. He's never taken a vacation and all of his partners have just ridden on his coattails and moved on...

Draco sees this and decides to fix it because he can't stand the though of Harry essentially killing himself (not to mention he's a bit obsessed with Harry). He kidnaps Harry and makes Harry start living again by forcing a vacation of sorts... he feeds him good food like waffles with real cream and strawberries.. he takes him to a Quiddich game... and a lot of other things... he makes Harry see a therapist... Harry is only forced to stay for a month for a bet style thing

Harry leaves after the month... goes back to work and such and then... i can't really remember after that

I can't find this fic!! i had it years ago though... it's really long too... i want to say a good 30 - 50 chapters and it was complete... and the title made a lot of sence to the story... Gah!! if anyone knows what i'm talking about please help?

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