Karategirl422 Posted August 2, 2010 Report Posted August 2, 2010 Hi everyone! Since Danyelle-sama sent me a review message, I decided it would be best to reply to reviews here. It's of no inconvience to me, I don't mind not having them in an author not so I'm happy to oblige. Thanks for letting me know so I can help you all out running this site. So anyone who reviews to my story, Summoned, will be replied here by me. Feel free to comment here as well or give suggestions, ask questions, what ever you want really. I'll check this frequently as I update it. Since I just posted Chapter 31 the other day (Aug 1st), I'll start from there. ShelleDW - Lol, thanks for review 'as usual' and thank you very much, I will have a good time, I've been looking forward to it all summer. I hope I can the next chap up before Saturday but we will see how things go, looks like another busy week tho... jackpot7374 - You really need some paitence JP, lol jk ;P. Once the big party scene is done, Harley will probably see a connection since I have an idea planned for it but I will have to see what works best as I write it. The list has one more name for sure but I might through one more in before then since the one I have planned will be the big unveiling for Harley to see the big picture and set the stage for Slaiden to get his payment. So maybe two more names...or three, but that may make it too long. I def want to cap this story off around 40ish and start a sequel possibly so I'm not sure yet on how many more kills to put in......As for your ramblings, they are highly amusing and entertaing lol. Thanks for reviewing, both of you! I'll add more replies for this chaper if I get another review or two before the next chapter is up. Also I have a Promote Your Story topic which I update when a new chapter is up as well as a topic in the writers corner about suggestions on where to take the story after Slaiden gets Harley if anyone is interested in checking it out, I would really appreciate the helpful adivce and suggestions. Thanks again for the Reviews! ~`~`~`~`~` Karategirl422 `~`~`~`~`~ Quote
Karategirl422 Posted August 14, 2010 Author Report Posted August 14, 2010 Ok, back from vacation! Here's my replies from the reviews of chapter 32! Amanda88 - Lol, sorry for the tease but i had to cut it off since I ran out of time. Hope this next chapter that I'm writing will make you happy. jackpot7374 - lol sorry you had to wait so long but fear not my friend, the next update will be up within a few days. I got a lot of ideas for it as I was relaxing on the lake with my family and family friends, sipping margaritas and having some fun in the water. And your right, Harley is in for one rough night that I'm sure you will enjoy reading. Thanks for reviewing, both of you! Also I have a Promote Your Story topic which I update when a new chapter is up as well as a topic in the writers corner about suggestions on where to take the story after Slaiden gets Harley if anyone is interested in checking it out, I would really appreciate the helpful adivce and suggestions. Thanks again for the Reviews! ~`~`~`~`~` Karategirl422 `~`~`~`~`~ Quote
Karategirl422 Posted August 21, 2010 Author Report Posted August 21, 2010 Well I lost power last night due to a tornado going through my backyard, No worries though, no one was hurt thankfully. Since I got power now and back from I can finally get to replying for chapter 33. jackpot7374- Thanks for the help earlier and while not intended it was funny how your name got thrown in there. And your right, Harley is in for a lot if Slaiden isn't in a good mood. Poor girl...but she will hang on, she's now quiter or one to submit easily. And I will continue but since I'm going back up to school next friday my writing will take a back seat since school comes first. Updates will be maybe 2 weeks at a time instead of the usuall 1. But a sequal is definately going to happen, I love Slaiden, Harley and the rest of the gang too much not to continue. I already have a few new characters planned for the demon world, come who have already been mentioned before. I have big ideas for it and besides, I need to give Harley the chance to get back...if that will be possible...I have no idea yet, lol Also I have a Promote Your Story topic which I update when a new chapter is up as well as a topic in the writers corner about suggestions on where to take the story after Slaiden gets Harley if anyone is interested in checking it out, I would really appreciate the helpful adivce and suggestions. Thanks again for the Reviews! ~`~`~`~`~` Karategirl422 `~`~`~`~`~ Quote
Karategirl422 Posted August 30, 2010 Author Report Posted August 30, 2010 Well I'm finally settled in my apartment at my University. Internet and cable took all day to set up but I'm not complaing cuz the tech guys who came to fix our wireless were really cute. Anyway now I can finally get to my review replies for chapter 34 and maybe get some writing done later this week once the hype dies down of being back. Classes start Wednesday so my schedual is about to get really busy during the day. Thanks to all you loyal readers who are looking forward to updates even if the wait will be longer. I always finish what I start and you all give me motivation to see it through despite the obstacles ahead. jackpot7374- haha, no there isnt an option since I plan to finish it. I needed to put in a diffrent twist since a hospital scene would have been to complicated to write about so Cal was thrown in which turned out alot better then I first thought. I wanted him to compliment Gavin in a diffrent way, to show a more at ease guy then the all buisness, hard faced Gavin that is seen in the previous chapters. Also showing that he doesnt always go by the book like one would assume. Cal also has depth, more so then planned. He has a laid back personality but is more aware of things then he lets on. He may show up in the future before this story comes to a close since he was really fun to write about. His insulting dialouge was fun, I couldnt help but crack a few smiles as I was writing it all out. Thanks for all of your reviews and help these last few weeks, I really appreciate it. Also I have a Promote Your Story topic which I update when a new chapter is up as well as a topic in the writers corner about suggestions on where to take the story after Slaiden gets Harley if anyone is interested in checking it out, I would really appreciate the helpful adivce and suggestions. Thanks again for the Reviews and Rates! ~`~`~`~`~` Karategirl422 `~`~`~`~`~ Quote
Karategirl422 Posted September 9, 2010 Author Report Posted September 9, 2010 Ok, here's my relies for chapter 35. Sorry for the wait but my writing time is limited. I've already started the next chapter and I plan for it to be fairly long since these last few chapters will all revolve around the final chapter. Thanks to all you loyal readers who are looking forward to updates even if the wait will be longer. I always finish what I start and you all give me motivation to see it through despite the obstacles ahead. jackpot7374- Thanks, I felt it was necessary for the set up that I have planned and paitence my friend, the exciting chapters are soon to come. There, a quick reply for a quick review, haha. Also I have a Promote Your Story topic which I update when a new chapter is up as well as a topic in the writers corner about suggestions on where to take the story after Slaiden gets Harley if anyone is interested in checking it out, I would really appreciate the helpful adivce and suggestions. Thanks again for the Reviews and Rates! ~`~`~`~`~` Karategirl422 `~`~`~`~`~ Quote
Guest Jackpot Posted September 10, 2010 Report Posted September 10, 2010 I do really like that you say you always finish what you start. I hope that is always the case Karategirl! If so we've got a lot to do eventually! Quote
Karategirl422 Posted December 3, 2010 Author Report Posted December 3, 2010 Wow I know its been a while for me and this reply is very overdue but I finally had time to get it done and out there. Here's the review for chapter 37! Ianthe - Sorry for that little spoiler but it was needed since the only way for Slaiden to be sent back by summoning is by completing his part of the contract otherwise hes stuck there which isnt good for anyone haha. Yes Zack was but all people react differently and I felt it was needed since he's a dumb guy anyway, Harley's doing him a major favor by trying to save his dumb ass. Hopefully I'll get the next chapter soon, its been over a month which I feel horrible about but school comes first and finals are coming up in a few weeks. I think I can crank out the next installment this weekend though so wish me luck! Thanks for reviewing! Jackpot - Hi!!! So glad to hear from you! Don't feel bad, I have also been bad myself by not having much time to write. We have both been very busy. Thanks for all the compliments lol, it is finally wrapping up. I hope to get chapter 38 up soon, hopefully some time this week. I hope all is well on your end and hopefully we can catch up soon too. Also I have a Promote Your Story topic which I update when a new chapter is up as well as a topic in the writers corner about suggestions on where to take the story after Slaiden gets Harley if anyone is interested in checking it out, I would really appreciate the helpful adivce and suggestions. Thanks again for the Reviews and Rates! ~`~`~`~`~` Karategirl422 `~`~`~`~`~ Quote
Karategirl422 Posted February 28, 2011 Author Report Posted February 28, 2011 Had another review, just what I needed to kickstart my inspiration for finishing up the latest chap. Sorry its been so long everyone, school and life have taken up alot of my time but I will make sure to finish this like I wanted to a while ago. Plus I promised a sequel when its done so I better get my act together! DarkNights Thanks for the review! While I know it's been a long time since I've updated, I've finally gotten around to finishing up the latest chapter. I hope to have it up by the end of the week or sooner so keep an eye out for it. I'm glad you like my story so much! Also I have a Promote Your Story topic which I update when a new chapter is up as well as a topic in the writers corner about suggestions on where to take the story after Slaiden gets Harley if anyone is interested in checking it out, I would really appreciate the helpful adivce and suggestions. SIDE NOTE!!! For some odd reason my Promote your story topic cannot properly load onto my browser and when it does, IF it does, the whole outlook is very messy and lengthy with alot of empty space which Im sure its not supposed to look like so instead of getting myself frusterated over it, I'm just going to make a new topic when the next chapter is finished. I dont know why my browser has an issue with it but this is the only solution I see so hopefully the new topic will be fine. Thanks to all my loyal readers, I dont plan on makin you wait much longer. Thanks again for the Reviews and Rates! ~`~`~`~`~` Karategirl422 `~`~`~`~`~ Quote
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