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Hermione Threesomes


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The specific one you're looking for is called Dirty Little Secrets.

I am just now rereading one of my favorite Fred/Hermione/George fics so I have the window open and the link ready. It's by my favorite Hermione/Twins author Laura Smith. Unfortunately, she doesn't write for the fandom anymore. Here are some of my faves:

Best Laid Plans - The twins are scheming and poor, innocent Hermione is stuck in the middle. I wish this had a sequel.

Mother of Invention - Very, very smutty with a dash of bondage.

Chocolate Kisses - Sweet, PG-13 threesomes.

She also writes amazing Fred/Hermione fics. If you have time and you don't mind having your heart put through the ringer, read Red Herring. It's Fred/Hermione with some Ron/Hermione. George is there too, but he has a crush on an unknown gentleman. Excellenet fic.

I also like Of Things Wicked and Sweet. The twins introduce lonely Hermione to the world of a threesome.

Another good one is The Favor in which Hermione owes the twins, well, a favor!

There are also 136 F/Hr/G fics over at Books and Freckles on Live Journal that you can browse through. ;)

There is also a rec lists from Blaze Faula for some Twins/Hermione stories.

I'll see if I can find some links for some more of my faves for the other trio.

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Interestingly, one of my favorite Draco/Hermione/Blaise fics doesn't have a lot of interaction between all three of them, yet I'm reccing it anyone because I adore it. It's called Like a Puppet on a String and both chapters of it are awesome!!!

Krissy/Bunney writes some amazing D/H/B, but unfortunately most of it is locked on her Live Journal. Passing Time is my favorite, but Baby Steps is excellent too. If you can, I'd try to get her to friend you. The only threesome she has on AFF is The Fourth Winter of Voldemorts War.

Never Again by Em North is another good one as well and was written after HBP.

You can find lots of D/H/B fic at the It's Always the Quiet Ones Archive.

And here's the Blaze Faula list for these three.

I have yet to find that many really good fic of this trio since Half Blood Prince was released as a book. Fanon hot Italian Blaise is yummy yes, but canon Blaise (and movie Blaise too) are even better. I hope someone else can find some good canon stories.

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