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AN Chapters

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For the AN chapters, one of the mods (or I) will email her, and she'll either remove them, or all those stories will be hidden. She'll also be added to our "sweep" sheet (where we document everything we find as we go through the archive).

For your other question, only under very special circumstances, is someone allowed to take over another account. In that for instance, they don't actually take over the account, they create their own. I then require proof that permission is given to take over the stories, and will transfer them over to the other user. That is the ONLY way it's allowable.

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Question was probably because of author's profile: "Hiyas all! I just took over this account, from what I've heard it passed through a lot of hands but I want to at least write as an equal to previous writers. Thank you, and happy reading!"

And if you go to author's lj, says just now 19, some stories published in 2008, which makes user a minor.

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