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Hi! I been working on this story for a while now and want to promote it so you can check it out.

Title: Summoned

Author: Karategirl422

Rating: Adult

Summary: When Harley’s friend Jeff summons a powerful demon for revenge on bullies, it’s up to her to stop the bloodshed. But a price must be paid. Never deal with a demon is a lesson learned too late. Bond, D/s, Dom, Language, M/F, MiCD, N/C, Oral, Tort, Violence, WIP

Feedback: Greatly welcomed!

Fandom: Original

URL: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600101991

I hope you check this out and enjoy it! :)

--- Currently working on chapter 19 ---

~`~`~`~`~` Karategirl422 `~`~`~`~`~


Chapter 19 is up! Look for chapter 20 in a few days and please give feedback, i'd appreciate it. :)

~`~`~`~`~` Karategirl422 `~`~`~`~`~


Updated Chapter 20! its just a filler untill the next big scene but enjoy. I should have 21 up in a few days.

leave feedback if you'd like! :)

~`~`~`~`~` Karategirl422 `~`~`~`~`~


Chapter 21 is up! It's packed with scenes and is very good in my opinion. Check it out please! ;)

leave feedback if you'd like! :)

~`~`~`~`~` Karategirl422 `~`~`~`~`~


Chapter 22 is now up! Check it out cut the chapter has a very hot scene that I'm sure you'll all enjoy! Next update should be sometime this weekend.

leave feedback if you'd like! :)

~`~`~`~`~` Karategirl422 `~`~`~`~`~


Update Chapter 23! Please check it out! It has a nice cliffy at the end for the next interesting chapter that i'm working on!

leave feedback if you'd like! :angry:

~`~`~`~`~` Karategirl422 `~`~`~`~`~


Chapter 24 is up! it's a little shorter then some of the previous ones but i'm sure you all will like it. Check it out, please!

leave feedback if you'd like! :D

~`~`~`~`~` Karategirl422 `~`~`~`~`~

Guest Jackpot


Can't believe no one has posted a comment on here yet! I broke the cherry on here sweet! Love the story as I have said many times on the reviews. I wish there was a way to be notified from there when you post a new chapter though. Patiently waiting for the next post.



Hey JP!

Glad you popped the cherry. :o

Maybe i can figure out a way to send you a notification when the next chapter is up. It is done but i recently got a Beta and she will be looking over it. So i should have it up sometime tomorrow!

I replied to you review in the next chapter but this way i can reply alot quicker.


Guest Jackpot

I think as long as you post here that you put up a new chapter. It will tell me I think...or something! Great a Beta! Now that delays things and a whole extra day! :o


Chapter 25 is up! Sorry for the wait but me or my new beta couldn't control the weather. :unsure: (See AN)

Enjoy it and look for chap 26 during the week!

leave feedback if you'd like! :)

~`~`~`~`~` Karategirl422 `~`~`~`~`~

  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the long wait, I'm having some issues getting in touch with my beta sadly. I've decided to post the next chapter by the end of this weekend regardless if I hear from her becuause I've gotten several responses from a few readers to update. While I'd perfer to hold out for my beta I also feel bad by keeping you all waiting since I like to update at least once a week for you all. So keep a look out for the update of chapter 26 soon.

On a side note i have chapter 27 half way done so another update should come a few days after if all goes well.

Post if yiou have any questions or concerns.

~`~`~`~`~` Karategirl422 `~`~`~`~`~

Guest Jackpot

Awesome. I will look for it on MOnday! Have a great weekend.


Chapter 26 is finally up! Go check it out and enjoy! Also, leave feedback if you like. :rolleyes:

Also, chapter 27 is almost done, one more page to go so be on the look out for mynext update.

~`~`~`~`~` Karategirl422 `~`~`~`~`~


Got Chapter 27 up tonight since I'll be gone the rest of the weekend. Go enjoy the next installment! Leave feedback if you wish!

The next update will probably be later this coming week so keep an eye out for it.

~`~`~`~`~` Karategirl422 `~`~`~`~`~

Got Chapter 27 up tonight since I'll be gone the rest of the weekend. Go enjoy the next installment! Leave feedback if you wish!

The next update will probably be later this coming week so keep an eye out for it.

~`~`~`~`~` Karategirl422 `~`~`~`~`~

A story about demon summoning? I am pretty much required to read it :lol:

A story about demon summoning? I am pretty much required to read it :D

lol, please do! I hope you enjoy it! :lol:


Just updated chapter 28 so go have a look. A pretty intenses chapter in my opinion, a lot of emotion from both Harley and Jeff. And of course Slaiden enjoying his power of Jeff.

The next chapter should be up either Tuesday or Wednesday.

Jungle Drum - I commented about your Review in my AN, thanks for you opinion, I really appreciate it and hope you continue to read my story if you want.

~`~`~`~`~` Karategirl422 `~`~`~`~`~


Chapter 29 is up. its a filler but leads into the next few chapters that will contain the next killings and some interesting events. I got a little stuck at first but i like where it's going now. So check it out if youd like! Leave feedback if you want, always appreciated.

The next chapter should be up either Sunday or Monday since i work alot this weekend.

Thanks again for your help jackpot! :(

~`~`~`~`~` Karategirl422 `~`~`~`~`~


Added Chapter 30! This chapter has the next kill in it as well as insight on why the other one will be taking place. Harley gets a break this chapter but when I write the party scene, you wont be dissapointed! The next few chapters coming up will be well worth the wait.

The next chapter should be added around Friday but maybe sooner depending how much free time I get this week.

Please review or leave feedback if you'd like to. :unsure:

~`~`~`~`~` Karategirl422 `~`~`~`~`~

Posted (edited)
Added Chapter 30! This chapter has the next kill in it as well as insight on why the other one will be taking place. Harley gets a break this chapter but when I write the party scene, you wont be dissapointed! The next few chapters coming up will be well worth the wait.

The next chapter should be added around Friday but maybe sooner depending how much free time I get this week.

Please review or leave feedback if you'd like to. :flash:

having technical issues, for some reason not all of the chapter is being posted. ill try to figure out why so please be paitent! :unsure:

~`~`~`~`~` Karategirl422 `~`~`~`~`~


Edited by Karategirl422

Chapter 31 is up, sorry for the wait! Ill triy to get the next one up sooner before I go on vaction next saturday for a week

No glitches this time either, which is a relief.

Please review or leave feedback if you'd like to. :)

~`~`~`~`~` Karategirl422 `~`~`~`~`~


Chapter 32 is up just in time! It's full of action and suspense so go read it! I will be gone all next week on vacation and won't be back until the 14th so it will be a while until the next update. So sorry for the wait for chapter 33 but I need my vaca with my family before I go back to college soon.

Also I will be replying to reviews in a topic I made in the Fan Fiction section in the category of All Other Archive Categories. So if you want to know what I say to my reviews check it out and post if you like, just keep in mind that it will be a week before I get them up since I will be leaving very early in the am.

Please review or leave feedback if you'd like to. :samurai:

~`~`~`~`~` Karategirl422 `~`~`~`~`~

  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 33 is finally up! I took me all week since I got back on Saturday but it's finally done! It's full of action and some hot action between Halrey and Slaiden. This chapter is a bit darker then ones before it but I hope you all like it just the same. It turned out great so let me know what you all think!

I should have chapter 34 sometime next week, maybe sooner.

Please review or leave feedback if you'd like to. :)

~`~`~`~`~` Karategirl422 `~`~`~`~`~


Chapter 34 is up! Hot off the press! It's nice and long since I had to leave on a good note since my updating will be less frequent since fall term is starting up. Collge student first, AFF writer second. I hope you all like this chapter!

Expect the next chapter in about two weeks (rough estimate) since my writing time will be limited. I'll use any availabe time I get to write but chapters will come slower from here on out. :(

Thanks for reading this summer and I hope you will continue as I update!

Please review or leave feedback if you'd like to. :)

~`~`~`~`~` Karategirl422 `~`~`~`~`~

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