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Posted (edited)

1.Voldemort is dead, Harry is Snape's Son, Blaise and Harry do a ritual to become brother's, Draco is a creature ment to help save magic, Harry is in love with Draco but promised to a creature, harry doesn'y know that he is really draco's mate. not much more I can remember I'm sorry.(FOUND)(Thanks to TheBlackStrawberry & Sheireen)

2. Ginny drags Harry into a shop that is hard to find to get him a birthday present. (You get to have any fantasy you wish and they are all done by walking into a painting.) While trying to find what he wants, Ginny finds an order form and shows it to Harry. Both male Malfoys ordered a painting with their maner in it but with the added bonus of a Harry potter that caters to them they have a wonderful night and leave. At a shop Harry finds them and lets them know that it wasn't a fake Harry but really him and that he wouldn't mind doing it again. At one point I thought it was called "picture perfect" or "perfect picture" but I couldn't find it.

3. Harry is a magical creature (I think he is an elf). His mate is the King of Magic who is also an (Elf?). he takes the dursley's life force to make Harry Healthy. thats all I remember sorry.(FOUND)(it's called Return of the King and can be found here http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Wolfwalkerstories/)

4. Harry, Draco, and Blaise are very special creatures. But Harry doesn't know and no one knows about Harry. Harry starts having trouble with his sences and at one point draco helps harry by rapping him in wings. Snape thought Harry wouldn't servive the change. They bond and can see the world in a different way. sorry thats all i remember.

Edited by andromedao
Posted (edited)

I can only tell you the name of the first story. It was called "Ebony Moonlight, Silver Mist" by Kammeron.

Unfortunately the author didn't like it anymore and deleted it. At least they said that a few month ago and I can't find it anymore so it probably doesn't exist any longer.

It's a real shame. I myself loved this story very much but unfortunately I haven't saved it because I thought they wouldn't really do it.

Sorry that I couldn't help you better. :(

Edited by Sheireen

Andromedao and Sheireen,

She did not delete the story, you can find it in her yahoo.group. Yes, I believe she did said she didn't like it, however, she only deletes them from the ff.net site, totally as she always says that even if she didn't like it, some readers do.

So, go to her yahoo. group and you'll find the story that Sheireen said, go first to her ff.net profile and it will direct you tours her yahoo.group and then into the file and under the folder Kam's stories and then to Draco and Harry folder and you'll find it there.

Good luck,

Andromedao and Sheireen,

She did not delete the story, you can find it in her yahoo.group. Yes, I believe she did said she didn't like it, however, she only deletes them from the ff.net site, totally as she always says that even if she didn't like it, some readers do.

So, go to her yahoo. group and you'll find the story that Sheireen said, go first to her ff.net profile and it will direct you tours her yahoo.group and then into the file and under the folder Kam's stories and then to Draco and Harry folder and you'll find it there.

Good luck,

Thank you very much both of you for helping me :(

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