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I stumbled on a new fic that's got me wondering. Yes, it was poorly written (I must live up to my title-damn bloodhound genes!). I left a review, pointing out the usual, (spelling, grammar, and please, for the love of God, use a beta next time, etc.). <insert Homer Simpson shudder here>

Here's what's got me wondering. They put in a disclaimer, saying that anyone under 16 should not read. Umm...16? I pointed out that AFF is for the OVER 18 crowd. So, stupid kid or an adult who's just plain stupid?

BTW it did read like something an under 16 yr old might write.

And another thing; is it just me, but if you're writing a rape scene (of a 16 yr old, no less) do the words "penis" and "vagina" not really work? And having the victim fall in love and marry the rapist? Didn't "General Hospital" already do that, like, I don't know, 25 years ago or something? dry.gif

Guest paranoid

Two things.

Can you please link to this story?

Second, age of consent is usually 16, so many people assume that is how old one must be to read adult fiction.

Guest Mike256bit

I dunno, I've been raped by some real swooners. They usually don't call back.

Guest Alien Pirate Pixagi

Dude... LINK!



What? You bring the most awesomly bad writers to light!

Anyway, it was probably a kid. Either that or someone from Florida or something.

Or both :: shrugs ::

Guest Animefan249

as far as the age thing goes, couldn't an underage person just lie and say that they are over 18, because i first found the site when i was 17 and was reading the stories. unless you guys have a way of varifying the ages of people here then younger people can come in and post.

Guest Mike256bit

Yes. People can lie. But people also slip up. We simply can't risk someone making a stupid error, resulting in hell crashing down on the site because some 15 year old forgot to say "I'm 20 years old, BTW" in some review they left. People link to personal homepages, deviant art, LiveJournals and usually, their birthday/age is readily available. I just stumbled across someone doing that today, actually, and I reported them.

People can lie -- we, after all, have the gift of sin and some people can get away with it. A lot can't. In no way do we want to encourage people to lie to post on this site because they will make a mistake.

Yes. People can lie. But people also slip up.

True. I found a fic and questioned the author about it, as it had similarities to another on the site. They swore they never read the other one and said they were 18 and wrote the story 2 years ago. When I checked their author page, it showed they joined AFF...guess what? 2 years ago. But the story in question wasn't posted here then. Hmmm. They screwed themselves. They ended up deleting all their fics under that name. They may be back, lurking with a new identity, but they'll screw up again.

Sometimes, and I can't explain why, you just know it's some underage kid who wrote some story. It's a gut instinct. They give themselves away in a number of ways, like "borrowing" from a better fic, or turning tail and running when you offer concrit, especially "get a beta."

Guest Alien Pirate Pixagi
Sometimes, and I can't explain why, you just know it's some underage kid who wrote some story. It's a gut instinct. They give themselves away in a number of ways, like "borrowing" from a better fic, or turning tail and running when you offer concrit, especially "get a beta."

They could also creat a new "story" just to bitch out a reviewer, claim to be one age on their user page then give their actual age in a review to someone else, respond to the whole underaged thing with "Well, everyone else is doing it..." or cry when someone informs them that they accidentally put an extra "t" in "the."

Guest Animefan249

i mean my stories have there typos there from time to time but i have read some stories that are so bad you can tell they were written by somebody young.


It bugs the hell out of me when you read a story that you just know some kid cranked out over the weekend, with bad characterization and a plot so thin, it's transparent. And without bothering to proof, edit, or spellcheck, they just published it. Then they get pissy when reviewers politely offer advice...or ask them if they're 12. Argh!

Guest lightgoddess

Probably just a stupid kid, so dude, LINK! Personally, I think we should have a thread that is nothing but horribly written fics, not so we can be mean and flame people, but so that we can sit at our computers and laugh our selves retarded. laugh.gif


Sorry, lightgoddess, if you were referring to the story I mentioned in the initial post, it's long gone. But man, you would have loved it, it was so lame. Never fear, you know my knack for finding these things. wink.gif

Guest Melody Fate

We have another one. Slightly more clever, but only slightly.

Reviews for a story It's not the author of the story itself, but look at the review from Hatter Chan. She states clearly she's only fifteen.

I wasn't able to find an author going under that name, but I also admit I didn't check every catagory.

*Sighs* I feel like a spoilsport, but honestly, why do these people come out and admit it so freely? I even have one underage person that left me a comment, but at least it's completely anon, no email address, so there's nothing that really can be done. This one at least has a name attached. Whether or not the name means anything is another matter.

Why can't these kids learn that it's not the case of AFF playing "Bad guy" it's a case of the LAW deciding what they aren't allowed to see?

Guest Alien Pirate Pixagi

There's also Cherokee, who claims to be 16

Guest Mike256bit

I just glanced at the actual story and found her thoughts very interesting. Check out what the broad thinks about rape.

rape can't possibly occur if the intended victim is ready, willing and eager to fuck. For a rape to occur, both parties must be acting selfishly; the victim because he or she selfishly refused to fuck and the rapist for selfishly forcing the victim to fuck against his or her will. That may make no sense to you, but it does to to me.

Uh. huh.gif

Guest Alien Pirate Pixagi






Well, she is articulate, I'll give her that. Although she erred when she said the Europeans brought STDs to Polynesia. Europe had no STDs either until they discovered the Americas. So the Europeans themselves actually brought an American disease over to Polynesia.

Let her be. She is like some kind of nymph or something. Something rare, that would like us to remember our primitive roots, something wild that wishes to remain unfettered. She reminds me of that old cowboy song: "Don't fence me in". What she does and promotes is her business. Although contrary to conventional wisdom, she is entitled to it. That she only caught an STD once is absolutely amazing. Of course, she's not perfect, but I actually am not shocked in the way she presents her arguement. So long as she accepts mine for no sex at all....

Guest Alien Pirate Pixagi
Well, she is articulate, I'll give her that. Although she erred when she said the Europeans brought STDs to Polynesia. Europe had no STDs either until they discovered the Americas. So the Europeans themselves actually brought an American disease over to Polynesia.

Let her be. She is like some kind of nymph or something. Something rare, that would like us to remember our primitive roots, something wild that wishes to remain unfettered. She reminds me of that old cowboy song: "Don't fence me in". What she does and promotes is her business. Although contrary to conventional wisdom, she is entitled to it. That she only caught an STD once is absolutely amazing. Of course, she's not perfect, but I actually am not shocked in the way she presents her arguement. So long as she accepts mine for no sex at all....

My issue is not her sexual life, far from it, but her views on RAPE. If you care to see exactly what I left in my review to her, here it is:

Pixagi  (Email Hidden)  2006-07-31  id # 3000016765

"Mama taught me that refusing to fuck someone who needed me was worse than rape. I didn't fully understand the logic behind that until I was a little older, but now I do. A rape can't possibly occur if the intended victim is ready, willing and eager to fuck. For a rape to occur, both parties must be acting selfishly; the victim because he or she selfishly refused to fuck and the rapist for selfishly forcing the victim to fuck against his or her will. That may make no sense to you, but it does to to me."

Okay... What the shit? Are you seriously trying to tell me that if I don't want to have sex I should anyway because someone else "needs" it? Excuse me? You're telling me that I'm selfish for not wanting to share my body with every Tom, Dick and Harry who wants to use it like a plaything! Not to mention you seem to be under the impression that all racists are, you know, SANE and all they want is sex! While I believe your views on sex are valid (and indeed, I share many of them with you) I find it rather hard to think of sex as something anyone would _need_. While yes, sex is fun, it is not a necessity. Furthermore, not all rape has to do with actual sexual desire. Much of it actually has to do with the stigma against sex that you yourself denounce in this post. Rape also has to do with control, fear and pain.

And that's just when a man rapes a woman!

There are women who rape men with the mindset of "a man hurt me, so I'll hurt all men!" Whether it be that she was given an STD, raped, or beaten, she now has a personal vendetta.

There are men who rape other men for all of the above reasons along with HATING the fact that they are indeed homoexuals and want to make others hurt because of it.

On top of all that, there are those who, even if the person they choose to rape is ready and willing, will KILL the victim. And there are also other who get off on things the other person will NOT want to do!

Are you saying that, if someone "needed" you, you'd be ready to be strapped down to a bed, cut, and then fucked in that wound? Are you?Would you be able to do that for someone who needed it?

I'm not touching the incest or pedo stuff 'cause really, I don't presume to tell you how to live your life or what is morally right. And really, I don't know that incest is such a bad thing. The production of children in such a relationship has a thousand of medical consequences that are proven, but the morality of the issue is relative.

It's the rape thing that pisses me off.

Go on screwing men in dark alleyways, just hope you only get the sane ones.

I stand by every word of it.

Fact is, I truly respect her. She does what she wants, when she wants. It's her life. But when it came to that issue, I HAD to point that out. I think it's a major misconception that a man would only rape a woman because he thinks she's hot and she doesn't want him. There are FAR more reasons then that.

Guest Mike256bit
You're telling me that I'm selfish for not wanting to share my body with every Tom, Dick and Harry who wants to use it like a plaything!

Hah. Dick. Get it?!

Actually, jokes aside, well done, Pix. I was tempted to leave a similar, enraged speil but I figured that she's way set in her ways, or that the whole thing isn't real. There were some details that made me suspicious of its authenticity. (Read: ROFL I had the mental capacity to do the things I did when I was three.) Call me uninformed, maybe? I just don't buy it. dry.gif

Guest Alien Pirate Pixagi
Hah. Dick. Get it?!

Actually, jokes aside, well done, Pix. I was tempted to leave a similar, enraged speil but I figured that she's way set in her ways, or that the whole thing isn't real. There were some details that made me suspicious of its authenticity. (Read: ROFL I had the mental capacity to do the things I did when I was three.) Call me uninformed, maybe? I just don't buy it. dry.gif

Honestly, it looks like a fulfillment of a fantasy. It's very possible that she's nothing more then a middle-aged cat lady who spends all her time sitting at her computer typing these things up. You can be whoever you want on the internet.

The reason I reacted so violently to this is that it smacked of the same type of "Live life my way or not at all" kind of crap that I hear spewed out by FemmeNazi's and super fundies. The way i see it is this: She chose to live her live the way she does and that's cool. But for her to call me and a good majority of the world selfish for NOT living our lives like that just pisses me off.

Her life sounds great, and sometimes I think that living my life like that would be great. However, I also think of what I'd be giving up if I chose to live my life like that. I'd never be able to have a (healthy) family and I sure as hell wouldn't be able to be with the wonderful guy I'm with. Not to mention I have far too many insecurities to be able to pull that off.

And when I say "healthy", I'm talking about my own inability to raise a child. I don't know if I could raise a kid on my own, and I know sure as hell I'd be pretty screwed if I got preggers NOW!

So, in the end it's a "Great for you, not so much for me." kinda deal.

Guest Melody Fate

Uh... this is a site called adult fanfiction. It's a common game to try to convince someone that what is written as fiction is actually real. VC Andrews played that ploy in "Flowers in the Attic" and I still know women who swear to me it really is a true story. And look at the Blair Witch project. I had to freeze the end and study it to see the "This is a work of fiction" notice, because I was told it was real by several people, despite the actors/actresses giving interviews after the movie was released.

We can't assume these are her beliefs in life. Yes, I admit she's playing a good game of "I call it fiction but it's real!" but I'd say it's more likely to be all part of the act.

I find the stories rather replusive. I find this coy little style of, "Let me snuggle up to you baby, and tell you how sex is really all right, is really great, and it's perfectly acceptable to fuck whoever, whenever you want" to be offensive to my sense of decency.

Yes, I agree that 99% of the headtrips sex gives us are because society has deemed sex to be "wrong." However, no matter if the reasons aren't "right" you don't fuck young children, or encourage young children to fuck. You're an adult, you've rationalized it, you can accept or reject the teachings of society. A child, on the other hand, doesn't have that rationalization process. Children have a need to be accepted into society. To throw a child into a world that not only doesn't follow the conventions of society, but actually goes totally against it is cruel. Even if the sex alone isn't damaging, the psychological damage of having to live with all these "secrets" and such will hurt a child. If this "Mama" of the stories really loved her children, she'd know that. Instead, she's a selfish woman who wants not only to break the law and have sex with anyone she pleases, even her own children, she wants to be loved for it. She wants everyone else to share in the crime, so she can exonerate herself.

But again, unless we're told otherwise, this is still fiction. I strongly believe it's fiction, because if it were all true? This woman would go public and be making a killing in book sales and on the talk show circut. The General Public would eat this shit up with a spoon. Half the world would think this woman is just a victim of her surroundings and want to "help her" the other half would want to smack her upside the head, but she'd be rich. Why would she give all that up to post little stories on some site that won't pay her a dime? Because here she doesn't have to prove anything.

Also, this is an adult site. As repulsive as I find the lifestyle her stories advocate, I'm still an adult and I can make my own choices and I have enough of life's experiences to back them up. I worry about the kids who are reading this and saying, "Yeah! you tell 'em!" But then again, she isn't writing this for kids, she's writing it for adults. It's not her fault that we have an underage problem here.

How come someone can write a story where we're expected to sympathize with a serial killer and everyone says, "Oh yeah, it's just fiction!" but the moment someone writes a story where people go against the grain of our sexual morals we all immedietly assume it's absolutely true or that the person writing it really does believe everything he/she says?

Writers can explore anything they want. For all we know, "Bobbie" is a religiously conservative woman who wouldn't dream of wearing skirts that ride above the knee and goes to church six times a day. She might be writing these stories as her way of exploring her inner demons.

If I have any issue with this woman, it's more that every time she writes another story, she MUST "edit" all her other stories, so every single one of them are on the front page. She has two stories she updated, yet she's got seven stories on the same page. Kinda makes it look like, "It's not enough to have people look at my new stories, I WANT EVERYONE TO READ MY OLD STUFF TOO!"

But, that's just a personal thing. She might read her old stuff whenever she posts new stuff and then finds things she wants to fix. I just find it hard to believe she needed to "fix" five stories and was able to edit them all in the span of two minutes.

She could just be overly picky too. I admit, it takes a lot, and I mean an awful lot to not edit a mistake I find in my story after it's been up for 48 hours. I try not to, because it looks too much like a cheap ploy to "put my story on the front page!" but damn, sometimes it's sooo tough. Even though I haven't found the mistake reading it over six times, now that I have found it, I'm convinced that everyone is reading over the mistake, that people are printing it on email and sending it out. I'm convinced that they are holding meetings to laugh at my typo. IT'S MUCH BIGGER THAN GLOBAL WARMING! IT'S MELODY'S MISTAKE!"

Guest Melody Fate
My issue is not her sexual life, far from it, but her views on RAPE. If you care to see exactly what I left in my review to her, here it is:

Glad you put it here, because she's already errased it.

I'm losing respect for her rapidly. It seems that she wants the freedom to write whatever she wants. Her freedom must be protected, but if anyone writes anything that she doesn't personally like? then screw freedom, they're being censored!

I would understand if you wrote something stupid and flaming, but you didn't. You wrote a well thought out review, that just happened to not agree with everything she said, and she erased it.

I can't stand people that want to light fires and then play, "Oh, poor little me!" when they get burned. She had to know that her stories were going to go down poorly to a lot of folks. It irritates me that she now plays the victim. (And she must have played victim pretty well at some point, the way some of her readers rally around her to pat her on the shoulder and tell her how awful it is that everyone doesn't just wuve her stories.)

I had a lot of admiration for her, for being so ballsy. But I don't have any respect for someone who wants to be ballsy, but doesn't want to deal with anyone who might object. I might have the freedom to write whatever I want, but other people have the freedom to express their joy and dismay at what I write.

As I've said often... I hate double standards.

Guest Mike256bit
Glad you put it here, because she's already errased it.

Well how do you like that? Yeah, to be honest I didn't really respect her to begin with, because it's hard to remember sometimes that it could all be pure fantasy. Still, though it probably is, instead of detaching her self from, say, a character, she seems to be making a vested interest into being her character. That's what makes it harder to forgive. Sure. She's allowed to say it. I just think she's nutto.

And she can't take the heat. Boo hoo. She'll probably feel better once she hits, like, six orgies.

Guest Evil_Labs

I suppose there is a certain romance to being able to live through the characters you create... o.O

But yea, she sounds generally batshit insane.

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