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So in my circle of college friends, there's this one girl. Let's call her Kira. As a freshman, she met and started dating this one senior; It was he who took her virginity. From what I've heard, after the first few times, after she it was less of a "new" experience for her, their sex life was fairly active.

Now, Kira is the kind of girl who latches onto things for security. Before this guy, she had only had one relationship that hadn't ended well. After she met this guy, you could say being satisfying in bed became her security crutch as a confident woman--especially because she's kind of on the shyer side in general.

Present day--one year into their relationship. Inevitably, their relationship is less passionate than before---the guy graduated and now is busy with grad school for much of the time, and she barely gets to see him despite still living in the same town.

Kira and I had been distant acquaintances before, but we recently got to talking a bit more, after being placed in the same band for an annual show our fellowship does.

One night, I showed up at her townhouse to discuss her song choice for the band. Her housemates were all downstairs watching a movie, so we decided to go up to her room to not disturb them.

As I was following her up the stairs, I couldn't help but notcing I had a nice view---she was wearing spandex bands that showed her ass off quite nicely. Near the top of the stairs, she turned suddenly, and caught me looking at her. Her reaction wasn't expected--an appreciative kind of smile appeared on her face. She just turned right back and led me to her room.

We sat their for a few minutes, discussing band stuff. She was a bit more physical than she usually is---subtly, like sitting very closely to me, pats on the arms and tapping my knee etc. She also let her legs open up a little while sitting....her spandex pants showed a little bit of cameltoe.

As I got up to go, she suddenly got on her knees and told me my shoelaces were all untied. They were---but she suddenly scooted closer and offered to tie them for me. Her head was right where my groin was, and I couldn't help growing a bulge in my pants. The thing is, I think she noticed, because when she looked up at me, she had that same appreciative smile.

Nothing happened.......in real life. I've fantasized about what might have happened if things went differently...if she'd decided that she'd had enough of the lack of her boyfriend's presence/sex/security crutch, and decided to use me as her new means of confidence-boosting through sexual action. What if she blew me right then and there, with her housemates right downstairs? What if we had gone even further after that?

Kira is a skinny, long-haired blonde with fair skin...German and French descent. Her chest is decently sized, her ass not large but is shapely like a heart. Like I said, maybe on the shyer side, but confidence goes way up when sex comes into the picture. Though I can't say I know this, I think she's less of a dirty talker, but slips in just the right words to get a guy turned on.

If anyone's willing to write out this fantasy, let me know.

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