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Stupid summer! It's about 20c degrees here! And it's midnight! The night should NOT be this hot! *pants*


Oooh, trust me. It's hot.

Whoops! According to the weather center it's 28 degrees x_x


Aren't these "the Dog Days" of summer? When the constellation Sirius is overhead. (Often refered to as "the Dog Star") It's supposed to be hot. I'm used to it. But then again, I have a basement to hide in. wink.gif


We had our hot spell about a week or ten days ago. I was broiling. My a/c hasn't worked in like, eight years or something, and it's so damn hard to get hold of the landlord. Yeah, there's nothing like sitting naked in front of the old lap top, with a fan blowing on you, while you're writing smut...pardon me, "adult themed fictions."

Guest Mike256bit

That sounds like every nightmare I've ever had. Where's the cold drink? biggrin.gif

Aren't these "the Dog Days" of summer? When the constellation Sirius is overhead. (Often refered to as "the Dog Star") It's supposed to be hot. I'm used to it. But then again, I have a basement to hide in. wink.gif

blink.gif Really? That's why its called the "Dog Doys" of summer? I didn't know that, always wondered though... Evil, evil basements *grumbles and fans self*

Guest Big Samurai

Averaging ninety-five degrees Fahrenheit here. Thankfully, I mostly work during the dark hours.

blink.gif Really? That's why its called the "Dog Doys" of summer? I didn't know that, always wondered though... Evil, evil basements *grumbles and fans self*

Knowledge is power man.

Guest Mike256bit

Sharing a twin bed during 90 degree nights is horror.


It hit a high of 114 in my neck of the woods yesterday. It's not feeling much cooler today. And wouldn't you know it, the air conditioner decided to break. dry.gif

I feel like my brain is going to melt out my ears.

Guest Melody Fate

We can't have air condtioning, because the building we live in is so old that it doesn't have the electrical power to handle an air conditioner.

There were a couple days last week where the only way I was able to sleep was by hugging a really good ice pack to my chest. I'd bought the ice pack for a messed up knee, many years ago, and it actually stays cold for about 6 hours. The way it's made, even as it begins to thaw, it doesn't drip all over the place.

If I could afford it, I'd buy a bunch of them, find a way to stick them together, and use it on the worst nights. It's gotten cooler, but the humidity has risen, so it's just as bad in a lot of ways. (I can't stand it when I feel like everything is damp, especially bedclothes. Then I feel like I'm trying to sleep on a sponge)


I can see the headlines now: "Woman frozen to death in the middle of the hottest heatwave on record"

"Melody Fate was found packed in ice this morning, her grieving husband, recovering in hospital from frost-bite, had these words to say: "She was a hot bitch, but in the end it was her downfall."

Guest Melody Fate
I can see the headlines now: "Woman frozen to death in the middle of the hottest heatwave on record"

"Melody Fate was found packed in ice this morning, her grieving husband, recovering in hospital from frost-bite, had these words to say: "She was a hot bitch, but in the end it was her downfall."

Heh... as it is my husband is always joking about Menopause. "Yeah, yeah, it's hot out, but maybe what you're really suffering from is hot flashes."

Guest Alien Pirate Pixagi

I remember the heat wave in Chicago a few years back. THAT was bad. About 200 people died from heat stroke and sever dehydration. I think I was about 8 or 9 and spent the brunt of that summer in the neighborhood pool.

This year, here in NYC it hit just over 100 degrees X_x Sucked major ass man. The Boy and I went to the museums for the air conditioning laugh.gif

Guest Melody Fate

My only comfort with not having A/C is that it gives me bitching rights.

Person: God it's hot.

Me: Do you live in a house with A/C?

Person: Yes

Me: Then shut up, ya little wuss. rolleyes.gif

My only comfort with not having A/C is that it gives me bitching rights.

Person: God it's hot.

Me: Do you live in a house with A/C?

Person: Yes

Me: Then shut up, ya little wuss. rolleyes.gif

I don't have A/C either. Just an open window, a small fan and a pack of ice in front of said small fan.


remember that beer commercial when that hot chick digs an ice cube from this guy's drink and rubs it slowly all over her cleavage...I really admired the lighting they used.

Guest Corvis
Sharing a twin bed during 90 degree nights is horror.

Pfft, we share a twin, no A/C AND I'm 6 months pregnant. How rough is that.

I'm from Chicago, and that summer was HELL. This one's having it's moments though..

It's gotten cooler, but the humidity has risen, so it's just as bad in a lot of ways. (I can't stand it when I feel like everything is damp, especially bedclothes. Then I feel like I'm trying to sleep on a sponge)

So true. In Illinois, the humidity is the worst part of summer. It's thick, and nasty, and it makes everything feel damp. I HATE it when it's that muggy in the house.

We have a window unit in the bedroom since my husband and I would rather sleep in the yard than in a hot house. We also have a nifty basement to retreat to if the rest of the house is miserable. And there's always the bedroom with the a/c. *grin* Yeah, the bedroom. I wonder what we can do in there to pass the time...


sleep? laugh.gif What, you young whippersnappers don'tlike the slippery dynamics of sweat?

Guest Mike256bit

Yeah, when you factor in the tossing and turning, it is horror. I done been sleep-slapped!



That Chgo heatwave, I thought they tried to say some 700 deaths occured because of the heat. Something I always kind of questioned, in fact I think they lowered the number eventually....I remember the 88 & 89 drought/heatwave. That was far worse than the heatwave a few years back. I remember going to a Robert Palmer concert in August at the old Poplar Creek. It was a lovely 98 degrees at 8:00 pm Yech!

Guest Acita

I live just outside the St. Louis metroplitan area. Some of you in the 'States may have seen us on the national news due to our 100* weather and widespread blackouts since that very nasty storm last week. Most of the big city is still without power, including hospitals, retirement homes and most businesses. It's a total mess.

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