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I read an incomplete story a long time ago and now I cannot find it, can you help?

Harry's turned into a ferret by Pansy and Blaze and "given" to Draco. Harry learns that Draco loves him and Dracos animagus form is a white ferret. Oh and they do IT in ferret form.

If you know the title please reply. Thank you.



Yes Thank you, thank you, thank you, you wonderful person! I love you!


I read tham and they were the ones that I was looking for.

I don't mean to sound/read ungreatful but do you know anymore like this?


I assume you mean storys in wich Harry has sex in his animagus or animal form?

If I'm correct then you could like this:

Weremouse by swirly

It's complete and has mpreg in it (I guess you have nothing against mpreg since you liked "Ferret's Play" and there are several mentions of mpreg...).

I will look if I can find another story like this but I'm not promising anything. :rolleyes:

Posted (edited)

Have I said that I love you? 'Cause I do. I loved the story!

I am probably going to sound ungreatful again but do you know any more?

If you do can you list them all?

Please, please, pleasepleasepleaseplease?

Anyway now that I have made an utter fool of myself by begging, I will check back in later but for now I have to go cook.





Edited by drkgth69

:) I'm glad if I can help so don't think you are ungreateful.

I know a few other storys that you could like. The problem is that I don't know your preferences.

Do you only like Harry/Draco or can it be Harry/everyone (or everything)? Or do the characters even matter?

Should they both be in their animagus/were/animal form or is "real" bestiality also okay (means Harry is human and is fucked by an animal or vice versa)?

Tell me what you like and I will see what I can do.

And don't be shy. If you have a special kink then say so. I'm the last that will judge. :)


Do you only like Harry/Draco or can it be Harry/everyone (or everything)?

Hmmm, as long as Harry is with a guy I don't care about the characters(but please no squicky characters like Filch or Moody)

Or do the characters even matter?

not really just as long as they are male and not gross(if you have Tom/Voldy ones were he is hot then ok)

Should they both be in their animagus/were/animal form or is "real" bestiality also okay (means Harry is human and is fucked by an animal or vice versa)?

I like the though of all of that so go ahead and list them

I thank you for helping even though you might have things of your own to do.

Again I love you, Sheireen.



Posted (edited)

Okay. That is the list of all the storys I could find and from which I think that they meet the requirments:

Gentleman Pervert by Digitallace; complete, Harry/Draco

Moonlight Sonata by Lydia Monroe; unfortunatey incomplete, but very, very hot if you like these kind of things. Harry/Remus, mpreg

Basilisk's Mate by Spiffy Squigglemink-mantra III; incomplete, Harry/Basilisk, mpreg

Basilisk's Time by Kaylakit; incomplete, Harry/Basilisk (inspired by Basilisk's Mate so the plot is similiar), mpreg

Bad Harry by LovelyPair2; incomplete, You find it under Harry/James but in my opinion it's Harry/many. There is only a small bestiality scene in it but it's worth a read.

Fun At the Lake by Harco_Potfoy; complete, Harry/Giant Squid + Harry/Severus

A Quest for the Restless by NightStalker22; complete, Harry/Lord Voldemort (Tom)

Delicious Dessert by Lady Remus 1983; complete, Remus/Sirius. It's "only" a blowjob here.

Naughty Dog by julielal; complete, Harry/Sirius. Again "only" a blowjob.

Beast of Prey by Sodom; complete, Draco/Fenrir. This story is rather... special. You really have to like these kind of things to enjoy it.

The Wizarding World's Whore by Nocturne; incomplete, Harry/Draco + Harry/many. Chapter 13 and 14 have bestiality, the rest of the story is rather... well you must like it to enjoy it.

If I shoud find another one I will post it here but for now that are all the storys I could find.

Edited by Sheireen


Yay more to read!

Thank you, tytytytytytytytytytyty!

If you need anything let me know.

Umm, I'm gonna go read all of the stories now.

Bye! Luv ya!



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