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I can't remember the title or the summary, but this is what I do remember of it:

[it starts out as a Jou/Seto fic. I can't remember which, but one of the is an important person (king?) to an alien race. One of them ends up preg. I think. Background is that this one alien race had a law passe that only newborns of a certain iq could be allowed to live, so this king?Jou? had family that was below the 'standard' iq. He didn't agree with the law, but it got passes anyway. He sent his family away with other people who had children who didn't pass to another planet. The law gets vetoed after the population suffers dramatically, and they make contact with the 'secret' group of people. Yugi, Ryou, and Malik are representatives of this group of people, who were taught that these 'alien ancestors' were evil and wanted to wipe them out. They are 'betrothed' to their respective yami, but are resistant and start a 'game' of 'tag'. (I'm paraphrasing, but that's basically what it sums up to.) Marik gets hurt, Yuugi feels bad so he turns himself in.

--Ring any bells?

  • 10 months later...

YES! I've been looking for the same story but can't remember the name..does it have like star or something in the title? and its seto thats the prince and mokuba knew about it all along but seto forgot right

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