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Adjectives, Adverbs and other descriptions


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Alright, now I looked about and there was a thread somewhat similar to this, though it seemed to deal exclusively with sexual or sex-related words.

I found myself today looking for a good word to say something rather specific without going into more than one or two words as to not break the flow of the scene. Long story short, I couldn't, and still cannot, think of one, so I turn to you the fine people here at the forum for advise.

And working under the assumption that a large quantity of people happen to have run into similar situations, or simply like expanding the vocabularies of other writers, I decided that I should make my very first thread.

Now in my particular situation I'm looking for one or two words to say 'without his eye patch' in a classy way which doesn't obstruct the flow of the scene. The character literally just took the patch off so saying it just 'without his eye patch' seemed a little too redundant and 'unmasked' isn't exactly what I'm looking for since an eye patch doesn't really 'mask' in the first place.

I hope you all have some ideas and are willing to share them with me, I'd be more than willing to return the help would you find yourself in a similar situation. The worst part is I can't even think of a word close enough to what I want to plug it into thesaurus.com

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It's hard to say without knowing the context. Daye's suggestion seems fairly good, though I can't beat it. If I wanted to emphasize that the eye patch was gone, I might have used a descriptive action involving the eye. Like have him touch the bare area, or someone else touch it, or describe the eyepatch being dropped to the floor/table/pocket/etc.

Sorry I couldn't be more help.

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I agree with all above. When I get stuck on a word I'll use one that's similar to what I want and play around with a thesaurus until it gives me something or jars my memory.

I'd say though, if it's a big deal that the eye patch has been removed, to briefly describe him taking it off. Maybe go into the way cool/hot air feels on the exposed skin. Not knowing how long he's had it on or why it's harder to give specifics.

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