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Which SUaD character...?  

4 members have voted

  1. 1. ...is your favorite? (explain why in a comment!)

    • Jonathan "Johnny" Hamilton Integra III
    • Riley Owens
    • Daniel "Dan" Owens
    • Amanda Owens
    • Nathaniel Wells
    • Arashi Kobayashi
    • Adam Hughes
    • Joseph "Joe" Wycliffe
  2. 2. ...is your LEAST favorite? (explain why in a comment!)

    • Jonathan "Johnny" Hamilton Integra III
    • Riley Owens
    • Daniel "Dan" Owens
    • Amanda Owens
    • Nathaniel Wells
    • Arashi Kobayashi
    • Adam Hughes
    • Joseph "Joe" Wycliffe

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Posted (edited)

Hello, all! Wir here, in case anyone isn't familiar with me. I'm the lady who came up with the story concept for Shut Up And Drive, and one of two women in a co-writing team helping bring it to life.

If you're just joining in or you haven't read the story, I'll be putting anything I consider a spoiler into Spoiler Tags so you won't have any surprises ruined for you. However, if you really are new to the SUaD story I suggest reading the first two chapters before browsing here, as practically EVERYTHING can be considered a spoiler until you at least have that under your belt. :(

From here on out, I'll be posting all replies to reviews in this thread and if there are any questions you readers have, feel free to ask! I'll do my best to answer without giving out spoilers, and if we're lucky, I can convince RosePetalDreams to overcome her shyness and post in here as well!

Edited by Haywire_Hakaze

Better half? Bah. BAH, I say! This effort has been completely 50/50, and I've told you many times that these characters wouldn't have grown as they have if I didn't have you to influence me. <3

Oh, but enough flirting. :kiss: I went ahead and filled out the Polls above, and I encourage everyone to do so.

Who do I like most? Mmm, I honestly can't pick. Some of the characters don't have much screen time so not everyone knows everything about them, but Rose and I talk constantly about their pasts, their futures, and everything in-between so they've all become almost family. Only Joe is the exception here, yet I still like him because he was such a strong force in moving the story along. Can't dislike him for that.

Who do I hate? Joe, hands down. I don't think he's ever been mentioned in a kind light at all, in the story. not once. XD We've kind of demonized the man. But then again... Chapter 22. D< Enough said.


Chapter 23's about to go up, so...

Time for review responses!

Loves to laugh: *hands you some duct tape* Here. This should fix that pesky heart issue! 8D No, but seriously... Thank you. It's good to know that we can affect our readers, even if it makes them chew their nails in worry. There is indeed much to think on, in chapter 22. Plenty of insight into just how damaged Riley is, when it comes to being a victim of abuse. Plenty of insight into his abuser, as well. Feel free to ask anything that's on your mind, or just to comment about anything you noticed or realized, now that we've got a discussion thread open. Rose and I will be glad to answer you in any way we can (barring any spoilers, of course).

Lisa: And now we're making people cry! Ah, we're horrible people, we are. D= Mmm, it was pretty hard for us to write; I actually sat down and tried planning it out all day, so we wouldn't be stuck. It helped us to some degree by letting us know how we wanted the scene to start, how it should end, and a few key points in the middle, but it still left us a lot of wiggle room to try figuring out everything in-between.

Fingers crossed for Riley!

  • 2 weeks later...
Lisa: Riley certainly isn't being the nicest person in the world right now, granted, but he does have reason. Johnny betrayed his trust in a big way. Not only that, I think the unknown future really scares Riley after what happened with Joe. After all, I'm sure Joe was nice and sweet just like Johnny is being in the beginning of their relationship and look how that turned out for poor Riley. Aside from that, Riley is pretty emotionally damaged from the whole encounter with Joe and it can be hard to believe that he deserves Johnny's love, or that things will work out in the future. He's like a scared, abused puppy dog huddling in the corner and biting anyone who tries to help.

Riley is a sweetie, in his own way, and perhaps he thinks he's doing Johnny a favor by driving him away. I mean, how many people are really willing to handle that kind of emotional baggage?

Aww, you beat me to it! 8D Well, I'mma say my two cents anyway.

Yup, Riley's trying to distance himself. Not only for all the reasons dear Rose said (You know Rose, I'm done with telling you to stay out of my head. I'm buying a microscopic chaise lounge and setting it up in my frontal lobe. Get comfy.) but also because he doesn't look forward to the whole "sex" thing. He's had good experiences so he's not completely against sex in general and in fact can still be aroused by certain things, but the idea of continuing a relationship that had a sexual basis,

when he was just raped

, scares him and who can blame him? ;-;


Okay if I may add my two cents. Riley has every right to be withdrawn and less-than-cuddly right now. He was raped people. I don't know if anyone of those hating on Riley for his introversion has had any experience with the topic but it's not pretty. I haven't personally but I've had close family and friends for whom I've had to suffer through the issue alongside. It's not fun for them and it's not going to be fun for those around them. He's going to be pushing people away until he's comfortable again because he's a realistic character and that's how people in those situations deal with their problems. Don't hate him for it, just understand.

Now, to my votes.

ARASHI!!! Is totally my favorite. Why? Because I just like how he deals with issues. He doesn't mess around and he gets his job done no matter what the cost because he's blindly loyal to who he serves. Or, so he appears. I am pretty sure there's more to it, but I don't know. And I like what I don't know. He allures in that respect and I just like a man of action.

And to top things off: He. Kicked. In. A. Fucking. Door.

Nuff said.

My least favorite? Sadly, it's Johnny. I'm sorry but I'm not a touchy-feely person IRL so a guy like him would irritate the hell out of me. It's like "Dude, srsly. Back the hell off and give me some space." You don't have to be lovey dovey all the time. We get it.

But I understand some people are like that and I won't hate him entirely. I like Johnny because of how much he has grown as a character. He's really become less of a spoiled little rich boy, and dammit he had a "I'M A MAN" moment when he outed himself to his dad. I mean I'm sure he was expecting what happened, but to go through with it? I have to respect the kid for that. It shows leaps and bounds for his character from who I read about in the beginning of the story.

So, in truth. I don't hate Johnny that much. Not anymore, anyway.

And also, kudos for Johnny's dad. He didn't take that shit and was like "Okay, that's nice. You're gay and you love Riley. Now get the f*ck out mah house, noob."

I tend to like the 'villains' of stories. >:3 But something about that made Integra the second so appealing. The fact that he didn't redeem himself by accepting his son. Because it wouldn't have made sense if he did and I'm so glad that it happened this way. It made him a very strong, dark person that you have to appreciate for that sort of hard-headedness. You really see where Johnny gets his stubbronness from.

Anyway, I'm enjoying the story as a whole. Too bad it's coming to an end, but it was sound and full of intresting characters and growth. It had all sorts of happy, sad, thrilling, intuitive moments that define a great read. So *thumbs up* you both deserve every view and good rating.


Pumpkin: Ahh, your response to the poll amuses me greatly. That's really all I can even think of saying. X3

Now for Review Responses! This time I'm posting the reviews, edited to prevent spoilers.

Wow, what a powerful chapter. I was in tears when I read that

The Second kicked Johnny out of the house. What a ruthless bastard. I could NEVER do that to my own child! What a prick. I really hope that Johnny can find a job and be happy doing it. He's so used to having everything handed to him on a silver platter. What a wake-up call this is!

I'm also happy to see that Riley has not said one nasty thing to Johnny the whole chapter! Yay! lol Maybe Riley's coming around too.

Maybe Riley's realizing that Johnny is giving up so much to be with him. Even tho Johnny never wanted the path his father set for him, he went to extremes and is now jobless w/an apt. to pay for and food, etc. Johnny may have said that he never wanted his father's plans for him, but to finally break free, that's really saying something. I'm proud of Johnny. Scared for him, but proud too.

I really hope Riley can lend Johnny his car; it'll sure help Johnny in getting around!

Johnny should be feeling better about his and Riley's relationship.

Riley agreed to go on a date with him and Riley even got a little physical with him.

Things seem to be looking up! Finally! hahah

Lisa: Oh, no crying! *fuss fuss* Be happy, be happy! D8 Credit for that entire scene goes to Rose though. I had no part in writing it, except for proof-reading. (Now she can't say she's not a great author! She makes our reviewers cry!) And yes, Riley's coming around. In a sense. I think there's still a bit of work to be done, as he's in a very vulnerable state right now. It might all work out if Johnny approaches everything gently. Fingers crossed!

And now, since there are 24 chapters posted, see how many of our readers are keeping up with this thread!

All that's left is chapter 25 and 26, guys! And then it's all over! However... *cackle* We have something special in store for you all...


Chapter 25 is now up! 8D

Sorry for the delay-- it should have been up days ago, and I fail.

I tried the link posted to the forum, but it said it was taken down? Anyway, that was yesterday; I'll try it after the review.

I'm sorry to see this story coming to a close. I really like the fact that Riley is trusting Johnny more--

Thanks for the heads up! The link should be fixed, now. And I'm glad he's opening up, too. It's still a slow process though, and even if they ever get back to the physical side of things it's not going to be completely smooth riding. Riley's... mentally scarred now. You don't just get over something like what he's been through.

Johnny was pretty funny in the kitchen, burning all the eggs! That would have been me!!!! Anyway, I think that Riley and Johnny have such great chemistry and I really hope it works out between them. Yes, Riley can be a prick, but at least he admitted it! Now hopefully he can be aware and think before he speaks from now on.

*snicker* Well, Johnny's never really had to do anything for himself before. It's a messy experience, learning is... But it's funny!

Anyway...great chapter as usual! Oh, before I forget: when Johnny first walked into his apt. and realized his boxes weren't there and his stuff was unpacked; the first person I thought of was Wells did it! It didn't even dawn on me that Riley would be up and around and driving!!!! That alone (his unpacking, putting everything away), proves that he really loves Johnny, who else would do something so sweet like that?

LOL, Wells. <3 We both love that old man so much. Ahh, but if you'll remember from chapter 24, Wells is in Russia now. 8D

It saddens me to say that there's just one more chapter left, but... Mmm, should we tell them, Rose?


*giggle* Good hint!

Chapter 26, the final chapter, is up! Read, review, join us here for discussion! Whatever floats your boat. <3

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