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As my title said, I need a very reliable, well-seasoned beta. In the past two years, I have lost 4 betas. All due to major personal crises in their lives. Now, while I understand that real life must intercede in online life every so often, I am really tired of being abandoned. It's hard enough to find quality betas, but then to lose every one of them? It's kind of left me jaded.

My genre ranges from original poetry to Harry Potter fanfiction (mainly Snapefics). I currently have three HP fanfics I am working on. They have all been put on the back burner for one reason or another, but after having taken some writng courses, I have pulled one of them back out recently. It is a OC/SS, OC/RL fic. It is about 45,000 words so far, and no where near finished yet. I have plans to turn this fanfic into an original story by changing characters and taking it out of the magical world, and changing the era, etc. but for now, I want to see how this would fair as a fanfiction.

It is a darkfic, as many of my stories are. My one attempt at a PWP was dismal. I am not good at "fun, light, fluffy" fics, so I am back to what I consider my strengths.

So, what am I looking for from a beta, besides reliable?

  • I am looking for someone who is definitely over the age of 18 (preferably, someone over the age of 20).
  • Someone who is very good with grammar and punctuation. Mainly, comma placement (as I am sure you are seeing here). My stories in the past have mainly all been rejected due to comma placement, rather than sentence structure or spelling (since I keep two dictionaries and a thesaurus on hand for writing at all times). I also need someone who can make suggestions if they see something that might work better than something I have written.
  • I would prefer that my beta make corrections inside the copy of the story I send them so that I can pull it up along side my pre-edited copy and see what needs to be changed. I think I am slightly dyslexic, but have not been diagnosed. I sometimes see a word spelled a certain way and can read it up to six times because I'm thrown by it, and suddenly out of the blue see it the way it is really spelled, and then the sentence makes sense. So, I must ask that any changes made please be typed in a red color so that I see the difference, or at least know to look for a difference between it and the original word.
  • Someone who is VERY open to reading anything. Because my fics tend to be on the darker side, there is semi-graphic to graphic rape scenes. There is mutilation in the current fanfic I am working on, so I need someone who is not easily squicked.
  • I need someone with attention to detail; i.e. if you think I haven't put in enough detail and you have suggestions, please make them. Even better would be to show me with an example. I am a visual person, so I don't always understand textbook defintions without a sentence showing me what you mean.

I should also warn in advance that I am highly insecure, so if you take me on as a beta and say you'll get back to me with "x" chapter or section in "7 days" I will get very nervous if I haven't heard back from you on or before the 7th day if something has happened and you need more time. I am very flexible on when things are returned to me so long as there is communication and I know that there is going to be a delay. It is only if someone disappears on me without warning that I get upset.

Also, I am currently in no hurry regarding posting times for my stories. So if you are a beta for others and they have a pressing need for a chapter to get up and you need to make that the priority, that is fine. Again, I just need communication regarding that. I hope that I haven't scared any betas off, but I would rather you know upfront what to expect, than agree to take me on only to find me a draining annoyance later, lol.

Thank you in advance,


Edited by Satai Delenn
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
I'm still seeking a beta... PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I saw that you go by the name Satai Delenn. Since I am a big Babylon 5 fan and a big Harry Potter fan I thought I would offer my services as a beta. :)

Now I've never actually beta'd before. :( I don't know if I will be any good at it. I do know I have the same type of problem you do with knowing where commas go. *sigh*

However I am the sort of person that will at least attempt to read anything. I am also brutally honest, if something is bad I will tell you. On the other hand I will do it as nicely as possible with positive suggestions attached.

I'm generally online a couple of times a week and read alot. If you don't want me as a beta, that's cool no offense taken.


crazypedantic :)


I saw that you go by the name Satai Delenn. Since I am a big Babylon 5 fan and a big Harry Potter fan I thought I would offer my services as a beta. :)

Now I've never actually beta'd before. :( I don't know if I will be any good at it. I do know I have the same type of problem you do with knowing where commas go. *sigh*

However I am the sort of person that will at least attempt to read anything. I am also brutally honest, if something is bad I will tell you. On the other hand I will do it as nicely as possible with positive suggestions attached.

I'm generally online a couple of times a week and read alot. If you don't want me as a beta, that's cool no offense taken.


crazypedantic :)

Hi, I sent you a PM.

  • 1 month later...

Because everyone could generally use more help, I'll add my bit.

I AM used to being a beta. I'm currently one of three writers for two collaboration fics, and neither of my partners has a good grasp of writing the English language. Because I know just how devastating criticism can be, I always use the kid gloves and tell people how they could make their work better.

I have been given writing tips by professional authors--some pretty big-name ones, at that. I pass it on to others, so that what I read will improve.

Dyslexic? Runs in the family, so I'm used to it. And, honestly, sometimes I have issues with it, too. But never in my beta mode, oddly enough. Mental override, much? *disgusted sigh*

I'm 21, don't tend to squick over pretty much anything written that doesn't involve the color pink in spades, and mostly read fics of a more dark nature, anyways.

PM me if you'd like my help. :2tubs:

Because everyone could generally use more help, I'll add my bit.

I AM used to being a beta. I'm currently one of three writers for two collaboration fics, and neither of my partners has a good grasp of writing the English language. Because I know just how devastating criticism can be, I always use the kid gloves and tell people how they could make their work better.

I have been given writing tips by professional authors--some pretty big-name ones, at that. I pass it on to others, so that what I read will improve.

Dyslexic? Runs in the family, so I'm used to it. And, honestly, sometimes I have issues with it, too. But never in my beta mode, oddly enough. Mental override, much? *disgusted sigh*

I'm 21, don't tend to squick over pretty much anything written that doesn't involve the color pink in spades, and mostly read fics of a more dark nature, anyways.

PM me if you'd like my help. :2tubs:

Hi Cuzosu,

What an interesting name! I sent you a PM, and I look forward to hearing back from you!

Hi Cuzosu,

What an interesting name! I sent you a PM, and I look forward to hearing back from you!

So my name is interesting, is it? It's the one I use most on any given site, simply because no one else is the "Cousin of 'su"...

'su is short for Yamesu, one of my cousin's nicknames. He's also known as the Fuzzin, because my friend Mizu tried to nickname him Fuzzy and got it stuck in my head, so when I went to call him my cousin--instead, I called him my Fuzzin. We knew immediately it would stick.

Although, that was also the day she decided my new nickname was Foofie, so.... *sigh* Of course, 'su's friends also nicknamed me The Evil Cousin, so we all got a kick out of that. And all because I yelled at one of his friends and scared him so badly that he nearly wet himself. He wouldn't voluntarily come close to me for years. And we were in high school when it happened. XD

I replied, btw. ;)

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