AnonGrimm Posted January 11, 2010 Report Posted January 11, 2010 Title: Divergence Author: AnonGrimm Summary: Severus Snape is a mystery that few want to fathom. But a pair of girls, one a reckless Slytherin and the other a rebelling Ravenclaw, take a stab at getting close to him. It’s a dare – a game – but soon becomes deadly serious for one of them. Rating: Adult++ Pairings: Severus Snape/Original Characters Feedback: I'd love to hear from you. If you have a question or would like to discuss the story, I will check here periodically and reply as soon as I can. Please review the story in the review panel, too; but I can't reply to you there, so look here for a response afterward. Story URL: Thanks! Quote
AnonGrimm Posted January 11, 2010 Author Report Posted January 11, 2010 The following are my replies to reader reviews (I didn't want the answers to your questions and comments to disappear): 2006-07-26 Some lowly mage, Hello, and thanks for this wonderful review! It means a lot, as I am soon to have something on a shelf - well, an electronic shelf, anyway. I'm having my novel published by BookSurge! *happy dance* I'm still finishing it up (which is why the last 2 chapters of this fan fic have been delayed) but I'm done with 12 of the 16 plotted chapters. I hope to be done with the whole thing before the end of August, and then I'm not sure how long it'll take them to complete putting it all together. I'll probably cry like a baby when I have a copy in my hands! =) Thanks again, and for your patience, too. I'll try to get the last 2 chapters on this fan fic done before too long. Hugs, Anon. 2006-09-20 MarriedtoaSnapeClone and Jennifer, Wow! Thanks to both of you for reading, and for reviewing! Jennifer, you really got into the plot weave with the spirit of a good sleuth! I think I'm blushing, but it's a wonderful compliment that you enjoy it enough to get so into figuring things out. We shall see.... But having just updated this one, I'll need to update the others waiting in line before getting back to this one. I'm nearly done with the next chapter of my X-Men fan fic, then I need to work on Doc Ock, Rammstein: Aus Stein Sein, and my Aliens vs. Predator tale, after that. *pant, pant* But I'll try not to leave this one hanging so long this time. Thanks to both of you again for reading and commenting! It means a lot! Hugs, Anon. Quote
AnonGrimm Posted January 11, 2010 Author Report Posted January 11, 2010 2006-10-19 Hi Lily, thanks for the wonderful review! I've got two chapters to go on this one I believe - LOL. I've been working on my novel so intensively lately that I haven't had a chance to look at my fan fics for a bit. But I'll try to get back to updating the ongoing stories. If you want more in the meantime, drop in on "Mens Rea". It's a completed Snape/Hermione tale that clocks in at a snert over 300 pages. Thanks again for your kind words, and for reading! Hugs, Anon. 2007-11-26 Hi Sheherazade, welcome, and thanks for writing! I'm pleased you like my story. When you're done reading it, if you want more Snape, I have another with Hermione that is over 300 pages long. It's posted here, titled "Mens Rea", and it is a finished story as well. It's set in book 5. Thank you for letting me know you like "Divergence" and I hope you enjoy the rest of the story. Hugs, Anon. Quote
AnonGrimm Posted February 5, 2010 Author Report Posted February 5, 2010 Hi lemonade8, thanks for reading and reviewing! I am so happy you enjoyed the story, and you've made my day by saying my story sets up the HP series well. I was one of those people who suspected early that Severus had loved Harry's mother. For me, it was the best explanation for why he would "hate" Harry, and yet seek to protect him at every turn. Harry looks so much like his father, too, it must have tormented Severus terribly. In my other Snape tale, "Mens Rea" (there's a link in this section on its thread) I wanted to explore the idea of Severus being a virgin at the outset (not too far a stretch for a man who hates to be touched). However, in "Divergence", I think this is a lot closer to how Severus might have behaved, and certainly it's behavior in keeping with Slytherin habits (his and his students') of doing anything to achieve power and/or privilege. For the purpose of my plot, I took the liberty of Dumbledore not knowing about the Slytherin Tutor (at least as far as Severus knew) and used the logic that if they are all Slytherin girls of 18 years or older, Dumbledore wouldn't have room to gripe about it anyway, legally. In canon, I'm sure Dumbledore would frown upon and stop it before it started, but that's a change to canon I needed for this story to work. Again, thanks for giving me your feedback! - Anon Quote
AnonGrimm Posted February 15, 2010 Author Report Posted February 15, 2010 Hi Fanimegrl, Thanks for reading and reviewing! I'm delighted you like it even though it's sort of a tragic tale, but I unfortunately can't really see a Severus Snape story being overly happy. I like a canon Snape, as much as I can manage him, and canon Snape is an inherently moody and dire fellow. However, I also believe he is a very passionate person. We only see that in the canon series in his capacity as a teacher dedicated to his subject, and a man who takes proficiency in magic very seriously. Yet if a person is passionate in one area of their life, they tend to be capable, at least, of passion in all aspects of their life. Severus has always been a delight for me to write, and I'm so happy you like my take on him. As for my other fan fictions, they're all on My original horror novel can be found on my website, too, at Thanks again for reading, and taking the time out to review. It means a lot! - Anon Quote
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