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Title: Mens Rea

Author: AnonGrimm

Summary: Severus Snape and Hermione Granger become ensnared by troubling dreams. Now inexorably linked, they face their uncertain future.

Rating: Adult++

Pairings: Severus Snape/Hermione Granger

Feedback: I'd love to hear from you. If you have a question or would like to discuss the story, I will check here periodically and reply as soon as I can. Please review the story in the review panel, too; but I can't reply to you there, so look here for a response afterward.

Story URL: http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600005524



The following are my replies to reader reviews (I didn't want the answers to your questions and comments to disappear):


Hi All! The forum mentioned that I could respond in the review format, and I just wanted to pop in and say THANKS! for all the wonderful and encouraging reviews! My other Snape fic currently posted is "Divergence". I'm planning on doing a prequel to both of these stories in one whack eventually, too. But I have to finish a few of the current fics before starting new ones....

As for a sequel... Maybe someday. But if I do, it won't be until after the incomparable J.K. Rowling releases the canon book 7. Mostly because, this story was a bear to put together. It's longer on paper than my novel (so far) and its research took longer, too. I guess that's a compliment to Severus, huh? LOL. Confession time: When I began "Mens Rea", I was still in the middle of reading "Goblet of Fire". I pestered my sister a lot (who had read book 5 already) for details and hints, and eventually sunk to peeking in my own newly bought copy of "OotP" to get the facts straight for this fan fic. Getting the students' class schedules as canon as I could nearly drove me to distraction, to say nothing of inventing my own Rowling-esque spells to suit my plot. All of this taught me a very valuable lesson: Don't write the fan fic until you've finished reading the canon material it comes from. *pant, pant* To do otherwise is to invite insanity. LOL. So, I won't be tinkering with a sequel until book 7 is securely read, digested, and enjoyed. It makes for fewer mass edits, too. =P But all that aside, I'd love to do one. Hopefully a bit shorter, though. I printed this story out, and quickly discovered that one must 'lift with the knees' to safely pick it up. *smirk* Thanks again for your kind reviews. This story was a lot of work, and your comments let me know it was worth doing. Hugs, Anon.



Hi Megan, I'm glad you like it! This story is finished, though. I have several others, and one other Snape tale, called "Divergence", which isn't with Hermione, but it's Snape having a canoodle or two. =) It's set in time in the school year before Harry Potter comes to Hogwarts. There are quite a few chapters on it, with two left to go before it's finished. I will be updating that story as soon as I can, too. But thank you for reading "Mens Rea" and letting me know what you think! Hugs, Anon.


Hi AgricGirl!

Thanks for your review, and I'm glad you enjoyed Mens Rea. For more Severus Snape by me, you might like my story "Divergence" (there's a link to it in this same area on its own thread). Fair warning, that story has a very different sort of Severus, more acidic than romantic, but as canon as possible within my plot.

Oh, and I'm always extra pleased when Mens Rea gets read again; it clocks in at over 300 pages printed out, so it takes a bigger chunk of someone's time than my shorter stories - time is a valuable thing for us all, so thank you for spending that time with my tale, and taking the time to review, as well.

- Anon

  • 3 weeks later...

Hi CB13!

Wow, you read over 300 pages in one fell swoop? I am impressed, and a bit humbled, but very happy. Thanks for reviewing, too!

- Anon

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